Thursday, December 29, 2005

Monday, December 26, 2005
Boxing day....

Hi there fellow bloggers... well those of you that are still around.....
We had the best christmas day... kids loved it, Jack and I loved it. It was so "no-stress" - usually we spend christmas with Jack's family and all of the kids and it is SO busy that we end up a little frazzled... so it was nice just to be quite. I didn't dress the kids until we had to go to my dad's in the late afternoon! We all had a little sleep in the arvo. It was great. I can't wait until next year!!
We have had a VERY quite day today --- I had to take some photos at lunch time - other them that we have spent the day at home.
A new member of our family arrived here today. Joesph the kitten. Little grey and white bubba. I have never had a cat before - my sister sally has always been responsible for all pets in our house as kids... so it is a first! He is cute and em loves him!
The photo of the kids was taken at my Dad's last night. Dad has race horses and the kids where helping him feed them...
My Mum and Dad seperated about 4 years ago.... dad has a girlfriend the same age as my brother.... so christmas tea was spent with Dad and his girlsfriends family. All quite nice but it is a little weird in our family home with a stange family on christmas day... but the kids love 'Grumpy' - so we try to make an effort.
My Mum spent christmas eve here with the kids, slept in their room and had lunch with us yesterday. She had the best christmas also.. kids really make a difference. She had to work in the afternoon (She is a nurse) so we had christmas lunch she she headed off. My little sister Sally also was here for christmas morning and lunch - it was excellent!!
Eating wise was OK - I ate crap - but it was OK as I let myself do it... All the crap is gone from the house now and we are back on the wagon... I had two serves of plum pudding then sent the rest home with Mum - it was beautiful!!
Not sure how many people are left reading... but hope everyone had a nice christmas!!
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Another 2 KG Loss

I LOVE NoCount!!!! I lost another 2 kg this week - 4 kg in two weeks.. Weigh now 68.2kg!! More Tomorrow...
Good morning - just adding more to my post from last night - Can you believe that I am only 200 grams away from my personal goal weight???? I am not expecting to get to my PGW by next week - I need to consider that it is chrismtas on Sunday and I don't want get dissapointed with a gain next week - Christmas is only two days away - very exciting!!!! But I am not going to be stupid about it and eat everything in sight - but I am promising that I am going to eat plum pudding - I LOVE PLUM PUDDING - have I said that before??? I still am in a little shock about losing 2KG!!
Three of us at the meeting are NoCounting - and all had substantial losses - all over 1.5kg - maybe a little detox - with more fruit in our diet but all did really well on it! I ate the most of the 21points - in fact I ate 23 the other two where about 10 or 12.
My personal goal for last week was to walk 50,000 steps - which I did - I didn't reset my pedometer for the week and I plan to do the same again this week. So my pedometer said that I have 26 bonus points...ya!! I found this very motivational to not reset it each day - A few more steps each day to my weekly total - it was great!!
My goals for this week: -
- With the Habit tracker that was talked about last night - I need to start putting myself first - so will work on that!
- 50,000 steps again
- Will be NoCounting again this week - (Christmas day will be easy with NoCount - just the pudding to count!!)
- Start a toning exercise rouitine... my little mummy tummy needs some work!
As you can see - I have also FINALLY worked out how to put a photo in my profile - not a real good photo... but you get a face to my dribble!!
I will post some christmas photos with my new digital camera (Thanks mum!!) but thank you everyone for your support over the past few months... and everyone please enjoy christmas
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
One of those cool lists....
1. male friend: Jack - My partner for nearly 10 wonderful years - and husband for nearly 7
2. female friend(s): I have a lot of friends - but my friend Monica and I have been friends from babies - never a cross word spoken between us!!
3. Vacation: Recent camping trip with the kids... it rained but it was still excellent!
4. Age: 28 - my age now - Love my life right now!!
5. Memory: Many - the day Jack and I where married and when all of the kids where born..
1. Time of day: 5.45am - The time that Hugh wakes each and every day!!
2. Day of the week: Monday - housework day
3. Food: Seafood
4. Memory: Hard one - I tend to block out bad things and focus on postive - so pass..
5. Boyfriend or girlfriend: Same asnwer as prior..... take your pick!!
1. Person u saw:Other then my children - Stacey a friend who just came to collect her son
2. Talk on the phone: Stacey - rang to see if Will wanted to come home
3. Hugged:Toby - Stacey's littl ebot - Hugh had just wacked him
4. Messaged: My sister Sally - She is in Melbourne and a little homesick
5: IM:The office in Horsham
1. Kiss: A youth group leader from Church called Chris (I know.. that is bad!!)
2. Serious bf or gf: Anthony.. school boyfriend
3. Car: 1983 Mazda 626 - even had cruise control (Nellie)
4. First school: Horsham North Primary School
5. Job: Receptionist at a Motel in Horsham
1. What are you doing now: Wasting time before I cooked NoCount tra
2. Tonight: Ironing and walking when it cools down
3. Wearing: Black singlet top - Denim shirt - colorado shoes
4. What did you eat for lunch: Chicken Rissito
5: Better than yesterday: It's warmer and my kids have slept
1. Is: Wednesday
2. Got any plans: Shopping in Horsham to collect christmas presents
3. Goal: To finished christmas shopping
4. Dislikes about tomorrow: Shopping with three children and a husband in tow
5. Do you have work: No
1. Number: 7
2: Song: U2 - One
3. Color: Pink and chocolate brown
4. Season: Summer
5. State: Victoria.
1. Are you in love?: Yep.
2.Dating someone: Married - but jack and I do go on dates
3. Missing someone: Yep - Jack
4. Mood : Good - Kids are good - I am good
5. Wanting:To put my feet up for 30 mins!!
Monday, December 19, 2005
So it is Christmas... Well nearly!!
NoCount?? I am not sure what to say about it until I weigh.... I am following the principals of the program and understand it all.... but not willing to say too much until I have weighed a few times. I think there are only two of us out of our group actually doing NoCount.. but it is almost Christmas and it is difficult to eat out on NoCount (If anyone else has found a easy way - please let me know!!) We had take away at a friends on Friday night and I found myself making just a salad out of things from her fridge! - Not willing to kiss the whole week away just one day into NoCount - but on the other hand - I went to my trustly recipe book this morning and discovered that I can eat rissito again (minus the cheese) - so I am planning to give my curry chicken one a whirl tomorrow - will let you know how it goes!!
Jack started a week off today - but with the public holidays and a roster they've going for between Christmas and new year he doesn't go back to work until Friday week... So at present he is driving a header just down the road, but he has pumped a dam empty today that we are filling and revegetating - (Due to drought and limited dam fills - dam no longer needed)
The poor bugger had a stressful week last week... he had a client breakdown on him earlier in the week... The emotional damage the the drought has had on some farmers is ongoing and I wonder at times if they will ever recover fully... Then one of the young guys that Jack works with Father died suddenly. The guy was only in this 50's and Chris who works with Jack is just 20 - so Jack went up to the hospital, just after Chris rang him to see what could be done and stayed with them for a while until more family arrived. I think now that he is worried about himself and if that happened to him - what would we do... I hate to think about it... but that is how I deal with things... I will ignore it.. Hoping that it will go away (It rarely does... By the way!)
So that is about it for now... Horsham Wednesday to pick up layby's and the rest of the gifts the I need then a couple of quite days - then it is CHRISTMAS ___ YEAH - I'm soo excited!
Take care everyone and will post weigh in results on Thursday - just o see how this NoCount is going!!
Thursday, December 15, 2005
A BIG loss....
And... the new program... I'm just so excited about it!! I think it will work for me--- I am going to give it a whirl anyway.... I was surprised that so many people where not that keen to look at it... I think that they like the restrictions of portion control etc... I am really looking forward to it and the thing that I like the best about it is that you can change week about... If you need some more control or whatever.... Very very excited.. Feels like my first meeting all again...
So.. All good new... Nearly feeling 100% - when the baby kicks my stomach I can still feel the tenderness.. But as a whole feeling stronger phyiscally and emotionally... NEARLY had a few binges last week - I am blaming hormones - but I was in control and didn't do it!! (well not as bad as I could have...)
So my pre-Christmas commitment
- To walk 50,000 steps for the week - I am planning not to reset the pedometer for the week - (Also to benefit the NoCount program if I over indulge!!)
- To drink at least 1.5l water a day (Have been a little slack on the old water and time for a bit more effort!!)
- To have fun!! - Pre-Christmas week and the kids are talking about Santa NON-STOP - so planning to make the most of it!!
I am taking photos tomorrow night for the local Christmas committee for kids to sit on Santa's knee - Have been doing it for 5 years now - love it!!
Merry Christmas and I will be here over Christmas ... so the blog will continue!!
Saturday, December 10, 2005
I really don't want to sound like a nasty bitch... But
A friend from town needed to buy some clothes and we have a Target Country in town, so I meet her there this morning. Now, my friend is not that big - and she doesn't stress about her weight. She would be 75kg and I guess 5'2' tall - She is happy with the size is she, which is great. But she doesn't like the tops of her arms showing.
We spent a hour pouring through the racks of clothes, trying to find clothes that would fit her shape. She also has trouble with the 7/8 length pants as she is a little on the short side and 7/8 is nearly a perfect length full length for her...
After about 12 outfits on and off it dawned on me that I was in the change room this time last year and having the same problems my friend was today - clothes just weren't fitting the way they should be. Pants fitted around the legs but big around the waist - skin tight around the legs and couldn't do up the button. Tops - not sitting right - pulling around the boobs, tight around the arms. Nothing I tried on last summer went right! I brought a skirt last summer - size 16 and It was gone to goodwill - it is HUGE now. The T-shirts I brought last summer have also gone - size 16 to accommodate the breast feeding boobies - but now I am lucky to be a B cup.
The fashion this summer is all sleeve less and I live in singlet tops. I love them.... Actually I love my collar bone. If I had to identify a part of my body that I love - it would be my collarbone.... I never noticed them until about a month ago - but I love showing them off...I like the way they poke out.. I don't know why... But it is my favorite part of my new and improved body...
So my dear friend ended up buying a couple of outfits...that she wasn't really that happy with. I think it made me appreciate my new body even more. A size 12 pant fits - and fits well... sleeveless tops are fine and so much cooler then t-shirts when it gets really hot.....
So, I hope I haven't come accross as a bitch, comparing my body with a friends... but I guess it was more of a realisation then anything that my body has changed and that I have to keep at it and ot let it all go again...
I must maintain 71 for LTM for another 3 weeks, but as soon as christmas has gone I REALLY want to weigh 68kg.... I can never remember weighing 68kg...
Hope each and all are enjoying a little christmas cheer this weekend... nad hopefully more cheer then beer....
Friday, December 09, 2005
I'm a star...
Thursday, December 08, 2005
a BIG GAIN....
I nearly didn't go and weigh - But i knew that I needed to get my attitude into gear and even through I am still quite sore - I can't let it rest too much.
If I can maintain my goal weight of 71kg between now and after christmas I will be happy - so that means a good week for me.
For the first time, I also didn't track this past week. I always track - but with going away and then having surgery - there was only one day out of the week that was really trackable - So I have printed out my little tracker and already in gear for next week.
So my committment for the week - no alcohol - exercise three times (later in week) - and no BLT's - I am still having trouble with this - the bites. licks and tastes are a killer for me!
We are only eating out once this week - tomorrow night and it is a BBQ - I find BBQ so easy with WW - You choose what to eat - portion size etc...
Jack has gone to Halls Gap, in the Grampians for the night with work for a meeting, so it is just me and the kids. I think I will put the kids to bed shortly and start on the house work. I have let the kids really have a quite day today... they have also been so busy. Just a day home playing with their own toys and sleeping in there own beds....
Thanks everyone and I promise to lose next week - I only have three more weeks time life member and I need to get under 71kg for that!!!
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
One tube gone....
I hate waking from a GA - I just know that there is going to pain - and perhaps a little vomit and feeling so groggy for hours - then a 2.5 hour trip home.... But yesterday wasn't as bad as last time.... I asked for no morph. this time as it made me vomit in Feb.. so I felt better for that. Still a little vague now... but another nights sleep will see to that. Just a little shoulder tip pain - they pump air into you tummy and this for some reason, causing pain in your shoulders...
Anyway.. not really making much sense.. will sign off and go and get some rest... just letting you know that I am OK. Thankyou all of your comments and I will look in on you all over the next few days....
Love to all
Monday, December 05, 2005
What a week!!!
So that was Thursday gone and then my mother-in-law pulled up in the drive the same time that I did to look after the girls has Jack and I headed to Echuca for the weekend! Jack works for Elders and each year they have a weekend away for their christmas party - a great weekend and Drank and ate to much - But I did go swimming/walking/shopping/dancing till 4am :( - so plenty of movements over the weekend also!! There where three of us there that where WW's - so that was great.
One lady there first went through the WW program in the late 80's and just recently went back again and she can not believe how easy it is now. It has taken her a little while to understand it all - but she just can not believe how easy it is compared to the old program! I know that my mother-in-law says the same - that the old program was too hard. I think I have convienved her to go back. She plans to after christmas - but she doesn't like the lady in Renmark that is the leader, so hopefully she goes along to a meeting and gets back into it!
I hope people don't think I talk about it too much - but my idea is that if I can get one perosn to go to a meeting and make a difference to their life by becoming more healthy - well I am doing the right thing... The difference it has made to me in 3 months is amazing.... the more people I tell the more committed to my lifestyle changes I become. When I first started, I didn't tell anyone apart from family... I think I didn't want to fail!! But not now... I tell everyone!
Exciting news from last week is that our barley came off and went malt (For non-farmers - this is good!) and a average of 27 bags (also good!!) so That was fantastic news... Jack is all smiles!
Lost 400 grams at weigh-in, and happy with this. Carrying around a lot of fuild at present but after tomorrow - this will all be cleaned up. My next little mini goalis to get in the 60's ...
Hope everyone is great and I will post again later in week... Thanks for all of the lovely comments of concern.... but we have been through worse and things will be right again soon!
Take care
kirsty xx
Monday, November 28, 2005
A bit freaked out!!!!
As most of you know we have three beautiful children, 1, 2 & 3 - and we had decided that three children was enough for us - We did what Peter Costello told us, 1 for me, 1 for Jack and 1 for Australia.... So we decided to seek permanent birth control - I had my tubes done in Feb. We lost three babies before we found out what was causing our problems and found it easy to conceive but hard to keep!!
So... low and behold this month I only spotted a little and I am very regular and know my body quite well - I knew something wasn't right. I let it go a fortnight, and in these two weeks I felt pregnant. I have been pregnant 6 times previously - so I really do know what I am talking about.
I finally discussed this with Jack and he had been thinking along the same lines and we decied to do a home pregnancy test - We didn't want to be looking like dickheads at the Dr's!! It was positive and we made a urgent call to the Dr and he saw us straight away. He telephoned the specialist that performed my op and he explained how the procedure works... and with our high fertility and my young age the chances of my tubes healing and becoming open again was 1 in 500 - and I guess I was the lucky 1 in this 500!! So a rush trip to Horsham for a scan. Out of those 1 in 500 only 5 would be viable - so we had to make sure that it wasn't etoptic ( it wasn't!!!) So a blood test this morning confirmed that I was pregnant and the hormone levels are dropping, meaning that the fetus isn't viable. We where pretty certain of this anyway - they didn't see anything with the scan and the way to procedure is done - more then likely the little embryo got stuck in some of the scaring from the burning of the tubes to seal them.
So another blood test is going to be required on Wednesday morning to ensure that my levels are still dropping and then I have to go to Ballarat on Thursday to see my specialist to check everything again and book in again to have the tubes CLAMPED!!!
I really don't know what I am feeling at the moment - I was very teary on Friday but I think I really did know what was going on and that I was in control of my body and knew what I felt! I love my children dearly and if this one was viable I would love it all the same... we know the heartache of not being able to have children - 3 years of not knowing - so there was no way on earth I would terminate a healthy baby - but the choice was not ours this time....
So, Thursday to Ballarat (will miss my first ever WW meeting) and will see from there when the op will be done AGAIN - I really didn't bounce back like I thought I would in Feb - So it will be interesting to see how it all goes 2nd time round!
I better go and call my mum to see if she is working on Thursday so she can look after the kids.
Take care all:)
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Where has the weekend gone???
The kids have been great - had to make a quick trip to Horsham on Friday for a medical appointment - have a bit of a health 'issue' at present - but will let you know more when I know what is going on!
We have a playgroup christmas party this morning, full-on - jumping castle, BBQ, clowns and magic shows. And what would a christmas party be without Santa! We got home at about 2pm and all of the kids had a little nap. So now.. bathed and in bed as Da Kath and Kim Code is going to be on in only 10 minutes and I am a kath & kim tragic - so kids and bed and quite!!
Eating has been good over the weekend - went out for tea on Friday night and ordered a salad - well within my points allowance... the only downfall is exercise. With Jack busy I didn't get in my normal hour walk over the weekend. So I guess two hours of ironing will have to do for some bonus points!
Anyway... only a few minutes till Kath & kim - must go...
Thursday, November 24, 2005
ARRHHHH... I gained....
So really, I am maintaining well. Warracknabeal WW bubby lost a whopping 2kg at got her 10% star!! Well done Janita!!
So, my committment for the week is to again stop the BLT's (Bites, licks and taste!)
We talked about nuts and wholemeal/grains bread - so I came home via the supermarket and brought both. I am afraid that we are a White bread family here!!! Time for change!
My brush with a size 10.....
My brush with a size 10???? I went to Horsham shopping yesterday with my Mum and I brought a pair of size 10 jeans - OMG - I can never remember fitting into size 10 pants. To be honest - they might my just a little firmer around my butt then I would normally wear - but I think the tag sold me on them!
I am going to have to start working on my tone - my Mummy tummy is sticking out more, so some more pilates to work on the "power house" (Can anyone guess what pilates dvd I have???)
I dragged Jack into a "teeny bopper" clothes shop yesterday and he brought me my goal outfit... The shop only carries up to a size 14 - so needless to say it was my first visit to the shop to bys clothes for me and not my sister. I will get Jack to take a photo of me on Friday night before we are heading out (again!!) and will post for you all to see FINIALLY!!!
I jumped on Mum's scales yesterday and it showed that I had a little loss - but will just wait and see! I don't own scales - I did own a set but after I joined WW and had my first weigh in and found that they where so out it wasn't funny - I threw them out. I weighted 5 kg more at WW then home! It doesn't worry me not weighing everyday - like some other Bloggers - but by the end of my week I am really curious to see....
My Warracknabeal WW bubby, Janita, is heading towards her 10% goal tonight at weigh in. She was the one that got me to join up. I saw her in the street and she had a little baby boy a couple of months after Hugh and she had lost some weight, and that is how it started for me. So, we bubby each other and bounce thing off each other all week. I find it very important to me to have that person to encourage and support. . . When I first started, I didn't tell many people, really only family! I think I was worried that I would fail and people would talk about me!! But once people started to notice that I had lost weight - I told the world that it was the WW program that was helping me.. hopefully to inspire other people to think about it!
Anyway... kids have a tour of a shearing shed this morning with playgroup, so I better go and get them dressed and looking presentatble... thanks again for all of your words of encouragement and support!!
I will quickly post with a Weigh-in result tonight!
have a great day:)
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Failing my commitment....
My commitment for this week??? To stop picking at food... Stop all of the licks, popping one biscuit in my mouth of the kids, just a little bit of cheese... All of the little tastes that happen throughout the day, Jack, my husband, loves cheeses and smallgoods such as kabana and salami - so they are still in the house all of the time. The kids got lolly bags over the weekend and I have found myself so many times in the pantry just having one... The another and before you know it I am feeding them to the chook so to avoid them totally!! (Kids really don't need them anyway!)
When I first embarked on WW - I was so good at all of the little tastes, but I need to stop it again before it really becomes a bad habit!
Any suggestions to put this a bay??? When the kids are in care on Wednesday, it isn't an issue. As I eat when I want to and I haven't have to have kids eating lunch between sleeps and constant snacks (Pizza shapes are my current favorite)
It is really frustrating me that I can seem to stop when I really want to - - Is that like a smoker trying to quit???
I have over pointed a lot of my snacks like these today - to try and put me off eating them.
Kids are in care tomorrow so I will be good tomorrow - I promise.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Another weekend gone.....
Thank you everyone for all of your comments of congratulations... I must say I am still feeling very happy with myself about the weight that I have lost!! In the time that I have been going to WW, I have been the only one to reach goal so far. There are a few not very far from it... I think it is encouraging seeing people that the WW plan has worked for, and worked well for. During the last ten weeks I haven't starved myself, I have had treats, I have only been hungry on a couple of occasions... It has all been about choice of foods.. And I think that I still need to exercise more. I get in lots of incential movements during the day, but actual planned exercise is still only 30min, tops a day. Unless I haven't got the kids and I do a big catch up walk or something...
I will post some photos shortly - But if you have read my Christmas wishlist post - you will see that we don't have a digital camera as yet - arriving for christmas - so they will appear shortly...
My mum reminded me that I now weigh 7 kg less then what I did when we got married.... So I don't think I would have been this light since around 1997 or 1998...
Phillippa's vegie patch is very impressive.... if we had a digital camera I would post you a photo of ours, but we are just asarting to reap the rewards of our vegie patch - Jack is an agronomist (A farm adviser for those city people... Country folks would know what one it..) so our vegie patch is far from organic, but it does grow quickly and BIG vegies.... The kids love planting seeds, watering and then picking the fruit and veg.. Laura, my middle daughter can ben found head down and bum up in the strawberries... Just eating her way through them..
Well, I better sign off and do some housework. One thing that suffered over the weekend....
Friday, November 18, 2005
Calmed down a little...
Starting weight 81kg
Last night's weight: 70.7kg
Total loss of 10.3kg (in 10 weeks)
WWGW is 71kg
so, I am now in my ideal BMI - yeah -
Maintenance has started but I still have a PGW of 68 - so will be working towards that...
Have a great weekend everyone!!
Thursday, November 17, 2005
AT WW GOAL......
Will put in more details once the excitment has calmed down a little!! I have lost over 10 kg in 10 weeks.... I Didn't think it would be possible!!
My wishlist....
1 MP3 player - to walk with - Top of my list. We have music going all the time at home and I really miss the noise when walking...
2. Perfume - something new and fresh. I usually wear Tommy Girl or Happy....
3. New sunglasses - Some of those funky large framed ones.. (My sister is taking care of this)
4. Funky necklace and bracelet - I have lots but you can never have too many.
5. Digital camera (my mum is buying this for me)
6. Bigger tv (We don't watch a lot of tv - but the kids shows drive me mental after the 40th time of the same show - so a second tv is really needed) -My dad is buying this for me..
7. New TV Cabinet
8. Fire fighter pump - To make it easier for me to water the lavender plantation (i think Jack's parents are buying that for us!)
9. Any Donna Hay cookbook.. (I love Donna - I brought one of her Marie Claire books years ago because I thought it looked good in my kitchen - never used it until I had kids and more time to cook!)
10. A new kitchen (I know... that one is pushing it, but when we moved to the farm not only did I half the size of my house but my kitchen shrunk to about a 1/4 of the size of my old one - I really miss it.)
Weigh-in tonight and Jack is running late... so I am meeting him at the corner shortly and he will take the girls and I will take Hugh with me - that will be interesting. My little man loves causing trouble! I wasn't going to stay for the meeting, but I really need to, just to keep motivated. I always walk out of there with some little bit of info that I didn't know before - I don't know if I will get to WW Goal tonight as it is TTOM and I usually gain when that happens....
For the first time since I have started WW - 10 weeks ago - I will be going to see Jim - Jim is the local greek that owns the Take away food shop here in Warracknabeal. I saw him during the week and and he made comment that it has been a while since he has seen me. So I will get the kids and Jack some Chips from there to go with the BBQ chook and salad. Very lazy tea, but has been hot day and with Jack running late - we won't have tea before 7.30 - very late for the kids, but they will survive!
Will post again later with the details of my weigh in..
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Clothes shopping....
The kids had take-a-break this morning and I took the opportunity to go walking - 8000 steps and I called it quits. I was SO windy... Called in on a friend and had a cup of tea instead!
Does anyone else worry about bloggers who haven't updated their blog recently?? I wonder if they have fallen off the wagon and gone back to old ways, or perhaps going through a bad patch and not wanting to talk about it?? This that just me - or do I need to get e life and stop thinking so much about things?
I have never kept a journal before - never - even as a kid when it was cool! I wonder if I keep this going?? Already I have read back on previous posts and I have forgotten some of the things that I has written about!
I had my father-in-law here all weekend. He was sick and we all knew about it.. Won't go on too much about it but it was a LONG few days. My mother-in-law is coming here to look after the girls when Jack and I go to Echuca in a few weeks so I am really looking forward to that!
Anyway, I am pumping water and I better go check it in case I have water everywhere..
Hope all is well
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Clean up day.....
Had 12 adults and 10 kids here last night for tea and the house looks like a bomb has gone off... All the same it is worth it.. The kids all get grumpy and sooky by the end of the night, but usually a quite day on Sunday repairs all loss of sleep, for all...
So, I have cleaned as far as the family room... where the computer is. Father -inlaw is flying into Horsham today to have his plane repaired, so Jack is heading over to Horsham shortly to pick him up. We only live a few kms from the Warracknabeal Airport and it takes us moments to get there, but because the plane needs to be repaired, a 30min drive needed today.
Walked again yesterday, with the kids. Very slow walk, but I was also worried about snakes as Jack killed one earlier during the day on the drive, where I walk. He tells me that it wasn't that big, but I REALLY hate snakes and always have. I still have a shotgun cartridge that my father shot a snake with when I was about 10 - I was picking up sticks to burn and I picked up a snake in long grass.. I still shutter now when I think about it, but Dad shot it and I guess the cartridge is my lucky charm... I have taken it with me when I had the kids, exams, times of worry... Now it lives in my dresser... Nice little keepsake for the kids. I will have to think of a better story to go with it then "you mother got scared of a snake so your grandfather killed it".... Something more exciting..
So, all of our guests enjoyed WW receipes, without even knowing it... After everyone had eaten and started asking about the food did I then let on. I have one friend that refuses to eat 'diet' anything... So I hope she was surprised that it doesn't have to be cooked in fat to taste nice!
Anyway, better go and clear some mess before father-in-law arrives.
Hope you are having a great weekend...
Friday, November 11, 2005
tut tut.... you are a bad mother....
So even through I got my walk in, I feel as guilty as hell about it...
Yet another night out tonight. My mum is on her way up from Horsham to look after the kids as Jack and I have to attend a Apex Dinner in Murtoa.... 1000th dinner!!! sounds exciting!!
Anyway, thanks for support and I better go and give Emilie a cuddle!!
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Weigh in update
Just had weigh in and another loss of .4 - brings my weight to 71.9 - only .9 to WW goal. Commitment for week - to walk at least 5 times this week....
More later - I need to eat tea - starving!!!
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Time to pack...
About 20 mins since I finished the last sentence... Laura, my 2 1/2 year old decided it was time to feed the chooks...
Sally, my sister is almost 25 and is going to Melbourne for placement at a huge accounting firm KPMG then she is going to finish her degree that she has been doing forever by corro... will miss her, but thank god for emails...
I had a huge walk today - 6km in 1.5hrs.. I walked out to a friends farm from town. The kids where ar Take-a-break this morning and it is when I usually do my shopping and have a decent walk and since I shopped last night, I just spent the time walking.
No much else to report, I am not confident with my weigh on on Thursday night... I made sasuage rolls for the family on Sunday and God knows how many points they are worth...
Catch you all later
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Ridin'' cowboy...
I wouldn't normally be a person to attend a Rodeo, but it is a big social event here and great for our little country town... The girls love it... They talk to the cowboys, pat the bulls and horses, generally a great day out!
Jack was helping out with a shearing competition and he won $10 in the feral ute comp for the work ute division.. (Elders will be proud ... he he he) and he is still there.. won't be long and he will be home.
I was starving by the time i got home, there was only crap to eat there and I wasn't going to blow a entire weeks work on a fatty, tasteless fast food crap... so I am now eating carrots and celery with Tzatziki dip with a light beer..
Goal Weight???????? I have a question.. how did you set your goal?? Was it a weight that you once was? Did your WW leader set it for you??? I have never officially set my goal weight! I guess my ideal weight would be 68 and the only reason I have this figure in my mind is that I can remember being 69kg's and I would like to say that I am the lightest that I have ever been... Is that wrong?? My WW guide tells me that 71kg is ok for my height, should I set that as my goal and if I get lower, i get lower?? Some feedback would be great..
Anyway, best get my babies to bed.
Hope everyone is having a great weekend..
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Another loss and 10% goal reached
I loss another whole kilo this week - bringing my total loss to 8.7kg in 8 weeks - I am amazed with this loss - and I have reached my 10% goal and received my gold star this week. I think this is the most excited I have been since I began WW...
I also brought a bag full of stuff from the meeting - they have a sale on and I brought my mother her own Pedometer - in the vain hope that I might get mine back, 3 cook books and two motivational books - all for $30 odd bucks!!
Anyway, I have just finished giving my husband's back a massage - he jumped a fence today and has hurt his back, three kids in bed, and about to head there myself!
Take care everyone..
Kirsty x
Where has the days gone???
Some other exciting events this week - I brought a size 12 skirt this week!! I haven't brought size 12 pants or skirts for YEARS!! - I have been able to squeeze into the odd size 12 top over the year, but not the bottom half.. I was a bit chuffed!
Food wise I Have behaved this week and I have my weigh in tonight.. up to 8 weeks on WW and I would love to be able to say that I lost 8kg in 8 weeks, so I would like to lose at least 300g this week! - Will post again and let you all know!!
So, that is the exciting news for the week and things has stayed the same wth everything else... I have attached a photo of my kids for you to have a look at.. I can say today that I have a 1 year, 2 year old and a 3 year old... he he he.. they are wonderful kids (most of the time!!)
Monday, October 31, 2005
I'm puffed....
Steak for tea tonight.. I think it is about time I cooked something that I know my husbands loves - steak and salad....
That is another plus being on WW - the variety of our meals is amazing... I love summer and using the BBQ - so over the next few months we will be eating outside with lots of salads.. there are a couple in WW Food cookbook that We got for free and few weeks ago.. will give thema whirl soon..
Anyway, that you everyone for your comments and I better go and prepare tea..
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Late night...
A late night to report - Had a fantastic dinner and great company... I borrowed a dress from a friend to wear for the evening and felt great in it - lost over 7kg and amazing the difference it has made!!
Jack is working on the gate a a local Drag racing event today and had to e there by 6.30am (which is really 5.30 - thanks to day light savings) so it will be a early night for everyone here tonight.
I ate well last night - I even had dessert - I have been saving points but will still be careful for the rest of the week. That is the hard thing in going out - you really don't ave any idea how they cook or what sort of ingredents they are using....
I had one friend tell me to give up WW for the night and not worry about it.... annoyed me a little, but It's my body and my choice what I eat and drink...
Better go and change the babies nappy.. joy - o - joy!!!
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Early morning start.... (3am early!!!!!!!!!)
Yesterday I had a very bad day with food. With the morning like it was and not eating, I didn't get to eat all of my points yesterday. I didn't even come close... today will be better. I think I need to drink less coffee... how much coffee do other people drink?? I believe (could just be an old wives tale) that it makes to retain fluid?? True?false??? My fingers seem very puffy around my rings.
Anyway, plan a little house work for the rest of the day - getting my hair toned down this morning - still not used to it and I have a dinner tonight for the Breast cancer council - a chance to dress up and raise money for a good cause...
Anyway, hope everyone else has a great weekend and I really appreicate the feedback...
Drive carefully
Sleep lots!!! (Burns more KJs then watching tv!!!)
Friday, October 28, 2005
Phew.... time to sit down
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Clap hands for me.....
Only 400 grams from 10%
Hope for next week!!
Another day.....
I really should be baking... but a quick post will not upset the day too much....
I am having a Breakfast for Breat Cancer do here tomorrow morning and have a few things that need to be prepared before all the girls and kids arrive.. so that is on my list of jobs today.. if anyone is reading this and can tell me how I can put on my Ticker for weight loss.. I would really appreicate it.. I spent too much time mucking around with it yesterday and I can normally work these things out, but this one stumped me..
Had a playgourp meeting last night and I really think it is time that a new fresh committee stood up and took on the job... I am just to grumpy to deal with all the crap that goes on with women and their kids!!
Anyway, must go and bake my WW Crepe Stake, Banana and Chocolate bread and a few muffins... Yum Yum Yum
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Good eating.... bad hair day
My mum got the SOS this morning as the kids daycare lady called in sick... so i needed help with the kids while my hair was being done - took most of the morning, so the kids had granny to play with...
Anyway, weigh in tomorrow night - Thursday for me... so will let you all know how I got on!!
Hello all.....
My story???
Living in country Victoria with my husband Jack and three beautiful children, Emilie, Laura and Hugh... we had three children in 30 months!! Our baby turns one next week and I can hardly believe that a year has past since I was huge, pregnant and grumpy.... (Well, still grumpy at times, but not as huge)
Weight Watchers.... after having 3 kids in 30 months and breast feeding through most of that, weaning my baby 7 weeks ago gave me the kick I needed to do somthing about my weight. No more excuses about eating for two being prenant or that I was hungry from feeding my babies.. crunch time!!!
So far, so good. I joined WW on the 8/9/04 at 81kg (OMG) My weight this year has yo-yoed up and down so I was shocked to weigh so much. CW is 75.3.... still a way to go...