Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Flash Back Friday...
On fire....
We have a hay cutter coming to our block this morning to have a look at our wheat! Sadly, i think it is coming down for hay and not be harvested! Pity.. the crop looks fantastic! But Jack doesn't think the season will be able to finish it off! Hard call to make, but I guess that ball is in jack's court (He is an agronomist) I think the crop will come down while we are away, so we don't have to watch it!!
I went to the new YMCA gym in Horsham and was almost in heaven! Very cool and a heap of fun! Bit sore yesterday, using different machines .
My beautiful girls... this is at the football on Saturday. So many people ask me if I have hundreds of photos of my kids and I do.. but I LOVE this one! In both this photos my kids are dressed from TOFI... (new season stuff in and they sell ESPRIT online now as well...)
Have a great little weight loss victory story to share. Before Christmas I went shopping with a friend for some pants and a top. My dear friend has to most gentle of souls and would do ANYTHING for you! Anyway.. shopping brought size 24 clothes for her. Last week we went shopping and brought her size 12!!!!! She went to a wedding in March after Christmas and she was so shocked with the photos, she did something about it! She was 104.9kg and now weighs 67kg. She hasn't used any program, but watched what she ate and very very determined! She look fantastic!!!! She gets it.. she will never get back to that size! But.. living in a small town she has been getting some nasty comments.. "I heard that your husband was looking to stray.. great that would lost some weight so he won't".."Yeah you where fat before".. "I heard that you weren't eating anymore.. are you sick?" Some might have been said in jest, but all hurt. I have said this before, that people never comment on your weight before you lose the weight.. why do they think it is up for open conversation once you have? A simple "You look fantastic!" is a compliment and acknowledgement of efforts without it also being a slap in the face at the same time! Yesterday, I dropped off a clothing store voucher for her. She will have to replace her entire warerobe. She still has a little more to lose, but she has two pairs of pants and three tops that fit! I am very proud of her!!!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Stop, look, listen & think!!!
Friggin' funny! there are photos... will have to get off kinder camera to share! Here is the photo of my grandparents (Dick.. my Dad's dad and Old Nannie my Mum's mum) with Emilie. It was great for Dick and Nanna to catch up as well. Nanna lives in Ballarat now, dick is still in Hopetoun (just turned 90).
The girls (my fairies) and me!
food: made a beautiful pot of soup for lunch for Nanna and Mum... tea could have quite easily been take-away.. but made pasta instead!!
Exercises: No planned exercise. but still a very active day!
choices: I choose to leave the left over cake at Kindergarten yesterday (from afternoon tea) there, so not tempted to eat it!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
200th post!
Organising our holiday for next week... we are heading to Morgan in SA on the Murray river for a little holiday with friends of ours from SA... Terrific group of people (five families staying in two houses - 13 kids in total from 13 years to 4 months...) and been on the telephone organising food, keys pick up, TV's for the house to watch the AFL grand final etc.. getting very excited!
One friend, N, just lost her mother (like in the last two weeks..) so she is really looking forward to a break. She was saying for surreal the whole situation was after her mother passed. I am sure a few of you could relate to this. But she said she walked out of the hospital and there are still cars driving around, people walking past her... the world continues! She had to get fuel after leaving the hospital, and crying at the petrol station, she just couldn't believe the feeling of 'life going on'... thinking one of the biggest life moments has just happened, in losing her mother, and the world just didn't stop!
I was telling her about my old WW leader who lost her son last year (9 years old) and how she went and brought a huge block of chocolate while they removed his organs (for donation).. lining up in myers with her huge 'comfort' food... while people just continued to shop around her, oblivious to her personal situation... that her son would be gone by the time she got back to hospital.. surreal.. totally surreal..
Anyway... kicking some serious arse at the moment! the only thing that I tasted that was a little naughty was a little bit of the batter from my Orange cake (well.. I should say Kate's (private) orange cake...) Pushing myself harder at Gym.. ticking all of my little boxes!
Day 2
Food: Great (one lick of Orange cake batter the only sweet/fatty thing)
Exercise: got up at 6.15am and walked without my MP3 player , was flat, in the fuckin frost!
Choices: Organised my house so I could study without a nagging thought of the housework!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Picture of health....
- I will NOT eat after 7.30pm at night.(that is my danger time.. tired and tend to eat while not hungry)
- Drink 1.5 litres of water a day
- Make healthy food choices
- Weight bearing exercise twice a week
- Cardio 3 times a week
Friday, September 14, 2007
Flash back Friday..
We lived in jack's parents house the brought to retire into at Paringa... right on the murray! they moved in just before Jack moved down south to Naracoorte and I stayed on with them for another 6 months until my transfer came through...
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Rain... where are you?????????????????????????
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Weighed in at WW yesterday morning and I lost half a kilo from last weigh in.. so :)...
I chose NOT to eat any of the kids fries at McDonald's yesterday (that required REAL willpower)
I chose not to drink last night when everyone else was (that took no willpower at all..)
I chose not to eat Boston bun when everyone else was...
I chose to take fruit with me while taking photos yesterday, just so I wasn't starving when I got home and demolished the fridge.
I chose to again aqua jog while the kids where having their swimming lesson. So what if my hair got wet..
Friday, September 07, 2007
Flash back Friday....
Mar 1993 - year 11 at School! can you see what I am holding in my hand??? A case.. a trumpet case... (and no.. I never went to band camp!)
the Deck - again 1993.. I was only having the discussion about where you sat at school with a friend that went to school in Melbourne. At our school, the Deck was as good as you could get in somewhere to sit. Usually the year twelve kids sat there and no one even tried to sit on someone Else's 'spot'... unwritten rules of high school. My friend said the same happened at her school. The year 12's must have been away the day this photo was taken as we wouldn't day sit there if they where around! (I am guessing that I was about 70 KG in this photo.. i still have my uniform and it is too big!)
My friend S and I BEFORE we got our first Tattoo's.. just 18. Don't ya love those fuckin' tencel jeans (can you remember them...) and those ray bans... I thought I was cool!
My sister Sally and I at an air show, Sally is 4 years younger then me... she was always the thin one! Now.. we are about the same! (she just has bigger boobs!) nice frogskin OAKLEY's Sal...
About the one and only time I have worked in a shearing shed.. other then smoko and lunch that is! Fuck knows where in hell I got the flannie from???
So there is a little inside into my past years.. more next friday!!!
Monday, September 03, 2007
Random things.... about me...
- I have an amazing memory of the 'little' things from my life. Example.. i can remember being sent into the bank to make loan repayments for my parents house with a pay in book.. I can even remember how much it was a month ($56..) I would have been 9 when they had totally owned the house... I remember many many little things.. like what I was wearing on my 8th birthday
- My parents split up when I was just pregnant with Emilie... totally shocked for a day, then realised it should have happened many years prior.
- My parents are now both happy...
- I have had a friend since I was a baby.. she was born 11 months after me and she lived 5 houses from mine. We have never argued and still to this day i believe I could tell her anything and she would still be a friend forever...
- I used to eye off Jack when he was going out with someone else. He would buy his lunch from an cafe across the road from my office.. I would just happen to time my lunch at the same time... I used to eye off his HUGE Biceps!!!
- About 5 people last weekend at Jack's school reunion asked jack if he worked out!!! (he doesn't.. just has a great build naturally..)
- I lived with my in-laws for 6 months before we got married. Jack was transferred to the south east of SA and it took me 6 months to get a transfer with my work... I loved living with them and cried when I had to leave!
- I think that I am very close to my siblings. We speak each week.
- I used to live with a lovely lady when i first started working and another friend would stay there on Saturday night so we could go to the pubs. We would often get home at 4 - 5 am, then her parents would collect her at 8.30am to take her to AOG church..
- We moved in together not long after that and she left the church...
- I still have one grandparent from each side of my family alive..
- Some of my best childhood memories are with my grandparents on holidays.
- My family where big on holidays when we where kids...
- I always wanted to be a nurse but I feel ill at the sight of blood.. still do. I had to re-think my career path.
- I don't think i could go back to my old profession now. I used to evicted families from houses.. once I put a family with 4 kids on the street. Sure.. they didn't pay their rent and had repeated chances. Heart strings get tighter once you have kids.
- I once uncovered a huge crop of drugs in the riverland. The tenants had a huge water consumption on a out of town property. I went out to look for a water leak and found a huge dope crop. Made front page of the paper. scared the crap out of me.
- I evicted them as well....
- I once rolled my car... five times with no seat belt on... only scar is on my shoulder.
- I was in be childhood bested friends wedding 8 days after the crash. Her mother had to alter my dress to cover the big scabs.
- I named my sister... she was un-named for 2 days after she was born. On the family farm we had a cow called Sally...
- Sally doesn't like her name....
- My brother and sister think that I have only been funny twice in my life, but I try all the time. One time when they through that I was funny was on my birthday one year I rang everyone at 6.30 in the morning, asking why they hadn't rang for my birthday.
- I can't tell you the other one.... very naughty
- But I try... example. My sister is VERY protective of her good recipes. Over the top protective. I once rang the aunt of her ex-boyfriend to her a great salad recipe and i also spent over two hours going through her cook books for her lemon tart recipe. She cut up bad when she found out that I sourced them out. Emilie's kindergarten is producing a recipe book this year as a fundraiser and I have put in "emilie's aunt Sally's Spiniach, pinenut and noodle salad" and Emilie's Aunt Sally's lemon tart".. she doesn't know, but she will LOVE her christmas present from Emilie.. her recipes published!
- I only learnt to cook in the last two years.. now I love it!
- My aunt once told me I had "Thunder thighs".. i was about 10... I thought it was a compliment.
- I love giving birth... If i could tag team and pregnant lady at first contraction, deliver the baby for them I would.. love it!
- I have written off two cars.. both Bubble back lasers...
- I kept all of my baby teeth.. I was saving them to cash in all at once..
- Then I discovered the tooth fairy isn't real.
- I still have them...
- I better go to bed... another big day tomorrow..