Tuesday, November 20, 2007
my body....
With three weeks left of my challenge, time to give you a little bit of an update...
Weight - down by 2.3kg
Chest - Down by 6cm
Waist - down by 6cm
Hips - down by 8cm
Thighs - Down by 4cm
So.. HAPPY with this so far...
Over the past week I have been involved with a little self-imposed experiment that I am going to call "Project Sodium"....
Over the past week or so I have weighed each day (I don't normally do this) and with Calorie King, I have tracked my sodium intake and firstly discovered a LOT of sodium hidden in so many foods and drinks... (usually processed foods - perfect example is corn flakes, they use salt to process the corn which results in a serving of 30 grams of these have 246mg of sodium!!! FFS and more sodium than the same size serving of potato chips - 138mg sodium!!)
Anyway... my weight chart pretty much followed the sodium intake chart... when I had high sodium in my diet, my weight the next day was higher!
Fluid retention sucks... I have reviewed my diet and found where most of the hidden sodium lies (coke zero was one) and reduced my intake further! Project sodium will continue... just from personal interest point of view.. interesting how the body works hey!
Anyway... harvest is going well! I am a Little tired today. Jack came in last at about 9.30pm, earliest he has been in all week, and heads to bed early! Great.. a little catch up!! But no... he heads back out to the header at 2am!!!!!! Got home a little after 7 to find all three of his kids riding bikes int he drive way while their mother is still asleep !
have a great day!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Big fire in little desert...
Friday, November 16, 2007
Busy days...
have a great weekend!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
To eat like a child....
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Remembrance Day
In 1915, Major John McCrae, brigade-surgeon, First Brigade Canadian Forces Artillery, was working in a dressing station on the front line to the north of Ieper, Belgium, when he wrote In Flanders Fields:
We are the dead. Short days ago
Take up our quarrel with the foe;
In 1918 Moira Michael, an American, wrote a poem in reply, We shall keep the faith, in which she promised to wear a poppy 'in honour of our dead' and so began the tradition of wearing a poppy in remembrance.
It isn't even half way through November and the headers are rolling into paddocks! This is early but it will be well and truely over before chirstmas, so that is great!
Jack is like the local spare at harvest time... when ever someone needs an extra pair of hands Jack is called upon! So, hense, he has spent his weekend in a header for friends of ours. Hughie spent a couple of hours in there with him yesterday afternoon after swimming then we had tea (the kids and I ) with the wife of the farmer Jack was helping out.
This is quite usual over harvest, the wives get together and feed the kids and have a few drinks while their husbands work.. sort of breaks it up a little for the harvest widows!
The header will pull into our crops tomorrow sometime, so will post photos.
I started the day with a nice walk, before Jack left. Well, it was nice until my neighbour scared the shit out of me.. curse the MP3 player...
OK... time to clean!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
We've been makin' hay...
Just a quick post with some photos of what has been going on here! Jack and his dad have been busy making hay (HUGE bales between 600 - 800kg each) and stacking hay!
Monday, November 05, 2007
Rain and road side assistance.....
No need to ask how I spent my next hour... cleaning the mud off the ute before it set! The blokes in the shearing shed had a great laugh at my expensive, wanting to know why it took me 2 hours to get to the shed from home...
My second roadside assistance call wasn't really my fault! Yesterday morning i packed and got ready for the fun run In horsham. Jack's dad is flying into the Horsham airport tomorrow, so I was taking a spare ute over to Horsham so he could get back to us tomorrow. Anyway, the ute needed fuel and on my way into town before heading to Horsham I ran out of fuel!!!!! So Jack, bless him, raced into town and towed me the km to the fuel station. Filled up but by this stage it was pissing down again and I decided that it was too wet to run.. so I pulled the pin! Back home again and went over to Horsham a little later and left the ute at the airport for FIL...
The hay.. well, jack has just left to rack it! Fingers and toes crossed that it isn't too wet. Poor jack will be pulling an all nighter and hopefully they will be able to bale sometime tomorrow! It will be one less thing to worry about with that gone!
My PT is doing me a new program.. about time!!! so will be busting to get to gym on Wed! I am going to work more on strength and resistance training at gym and continue cardio at home! I can only get to gym twice a week, with the kids schedule, so it will work for me.
OK... time to get kids to bed!