Kids are playing well outside and you reailise that one child is missing..... **gasps**
You do a quick look inside.. no child there.... start calling out his name... not urgently so not to panic the boy.... still nothing....
Call his name again... just a little louder and you hear a bit of gabble somewhere close.... but where?? Look in the cubby house again... around the corner when you see the dog run under the house.... what do I find??? Missing son..

Safe... but stuck under the house.
You do a quick look inside.. no child there.... start calling out his name... not urgently so not to panic the boy.... still nothing....
Call his name again... just a little louder and you hear a bit of gabble somewhere close.... but where?? Look in the cubby house again... around the corner when you see the dog run under the house.... what do I find??? Missing son..
Safe... but stuck under the house.
How cute - at least you know where he is
That's too funny!
Bwahaha...they keep you on your toes LOL :-)
Am glad everyone is now safe and accounted for. It's a horrible feeling when you suddently realise - one's missing !!!! Real heart stopping stuff.
Have a great week and take care !
I hate that feeling when you realise one is gone, and then that horrible taste that comes at the back of your throat as you search. But I love the relief when you find them. Whether it be in the cupboard, under the table, or under the house!!.
Glad he is safe. He is a little cutey too :D
The little terror - only joking!!! Thank god you found him, I couldn't even begin to imagine the internal horror you would have felt. But I have to say, that is a cute-as piccie! Awww :)
Obviously you calmed down enough to run inside and get the camera so he can't have been in any danger!! Very very cute photo! Glad he's okay. I hate that instant where you realise your child has gone missing, it's awful.
What a cutie he is.... but thank goodness he was ok. That must have been very worrying for you.
What a gorgeous little boy he is :)
Oh he's just adorable. And hey that looks like a good fort to me! :)
That feeling is horrible - you're heart stops, u start sweating and then - total joy!! Great piccie.
oh that is so cute :)
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