Our Skinny Latte girl DID IT!!! Please go and congratulate Philippa... she is the one that keeps us motivated and she has lost an amazing 27.5kg in a year.. well done girl!!
What other motivation do we need when we see the lifestyle changes that people like Phil have made and how your life can change.. if you want it to.
And just quickly... a couple more photos. My Sugar Plum fairy birthday girl and Hugh. I am sure every mothers thinks that their kids are the most beautiful things in the world.. but don't you think Hugh could have a career as a child model.. couldn't you just see his little cubby face in pumpkin patch mags??? (I know.. I know... every mother thinks the same...) and little Laura in her birthday TuTu...
I think I have moved that goal post and heading for a lower weight.. initally I will head for 62kg... then will again review. I have also discovered the kids trampoline for exercise (A joy of living out of town.. no one will see you) - The kids also love mum having a bounce with them... So I think I will start counting points again to get there.
Have a great day!!
Lovely photo's - Hugh could be in a mag:)
I jumped on the kids tramp the other day, they were very upset that they could not have a turn...lol
I don't think you are biased. I think he is adorable and you should send snaps to the agencies to see what they say.
Yay for trampolines. You go bouncing Mummy :D
Phil is incredible isn't she and shows that with planning, hardwork, fun, and determination we can all do this. So see you at the finish line - whereever that may be.
Hope you are having a great day :D
I think all your kids are mag-worthy. Seriously. And it's no secret where they get their looks from ;o). Pics from the wedding are gorgeous.
Glad the girls had a great birthday, hopefully they have the same friends and stay close so you can keep their birthdays combined and the clean-up to a minimum. My friend and her brother share a birth date, three years apart. For a good ten years before their Dad threatened to put a tent over the tennis court in the backyard and leave the net up to separate the 18th and 21st revellers! It never did happen, but he milked it for all it was worth.
Agree completely re ANZAC Day. People who stay in bed s**t me - we have the day off for a reason! The last few years I have gone with my Pa to his service. He and Nanna were away this year, but I still went to his RSL, just to insure people would know he's not dead, just on holiday. Last year I roped in three cousins, one from each of his kids with kids, so that was really special for us all.
On weighty issues, I think you look great, but if 3kg is going to make you feel better, then go for it.
Have a great week chick!
The photo's are gorgeous. I'm very jealous that you get to bounce on a trampoline in privacy. Have a great day.
Tooo cute!!!
Hugh is absolutely DEVINE! Send his pics in for goodness sake. He is so photogenic and no, I dont think you are biased. That is one seriously gorgeous child!
Also, the pics of you at the wedding a few posts ago were stunning. You look so happy and slim!
Thanks for all your supportive messages on my blog lately, its lovely catching up with yours again too!
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