Had. A. Ball. It is so hard to describe this place. I was burnt out in the Grampians Bush fires 18 months ago and just now the trees and ground cover are starting to come back. That is itself is amazing to see. The shed, fully fitted out with kitchen, bathroom, two bedrooms etc wasn't damaged. Not sure how that happened seeing as all of the trees surrounding the shed where burnt. Some of the paint off the colourbond walls melted, that is how close it was to burning. Danny brought the property only in the last 12 months, so he didn't own it when it burnt.. that would have been devastating. Anyway... very comfy and so many things to do with the kids. Feeding deer, bull dozer driving, motorbike rides... There is no power. They have solar panels on the roof that charge batteries that run most things, gas stove, wood fire and a generator if you need to run anything else... (like a bug zapper for the extra bit of serenity you need)
The only way to the top of the range is in Danny's old Range Drover V8 4wd car. Cool.... Both Jack and I have 4wd cars but I don't think either of them had the clearance to up to the top over the rocks. You really can't see how steep it is from the photos... but you can see how rocky it is!
Another of a big boys toy.. Danny's bulldozer... just to tidy things up! Hugh loved it!!
This is one of the many old gold mine shafts that are littered over the property. Apparently in the early 70's and man died down this shaft. You can't see it in the photo, but there is still his ladder in here. He was pumping out the water with a petrol pump and died from carbon monoxide poisoning. All of the shafts are covered and are on the other side of the mountain from where the shack is.
Hugh just went and went and went until he stopped... which just happened to be on his fathers lap while sitting outside the shack.. so cute ...
This is my kids ex- uncle Jed with the girls. He is my sisters old boyfriend.. and the kids just LOVE him.. was great that he also came up!!
I took this photo just for you guys... I was is 'post' mode while walking around up the top of the range.... This photo show you how burnt the trunk of the tree was and the new growth.... just over a year later... The entire area looks like this...
Hiya Kirsty.
i have left a few comments on here, but had to post when you said you were at the Grampians. we pretty are situated between the Grampians and the Great Ocean Road. Whichever way you turn its bliss! Its great to see things regenerate after the fires also. Gorgeous photos, i have awesome memories of camping there!
I also enjoy reading your posts, i can relate to being in a rural area also.
I laugh everytime i read something about Warracknambeal. Went up there a few years ago for a friends 21st- will never forget the statue of the sheep in main st.
So many neat photos, so much I could comment on..... but I will keep it to.... so pleased you had a wonderful time... the kids look soooo cute and happy, and good on Hugh for finding ways to entertain himself!
I love reading your blog. You have such an amazing life. I know it must be hard for you guys with the drought, but I still think youre all so blessed! Your brothers shed is my idea of bliss! lol, thanks again for sharing your life with us!!
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