Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Wheels keep on rolling....
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Tummy shrinking...
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
It arrived!!!!!
So I am sitting at my new 22 inch screen typing this!!! Very quick, but vista is very different!!!
Can't beleive how quickly it arrived, i only ordered it on Friday!!
Ok.. programs to install!!!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
ok.. lesson learnt!! But I slept well!!
i need to de-clutter again!!! I find (like out Beck) that i tend to flounder a little and not sure where to start if things aren't organised. Neat home, neat mind. That "neat" home needs to start in my cupboards. I am sure I would be able to throw out something that no longer is worn. When girlfriends clean out their warerobes, they ask me around. I have then reputation of being the 'warerobe nazi' and throw out anything they hesitate over!! And, I drive a ute, so I remove all offending clothes before they have a chance to think twice! Time to do mine!
So.. that is job one today. My girls are growing like mushrooms and have outgrown so many items in their warerobe, so I need to go through theirs as well. The girls, being only 12 months apart, tend to share a lot of clothes, but Laura is very narrow, so some of Emilie's clothes just get handed on to friends!
I finally get to meet my new nephew on the weekend. My grandfather is turning 90 years old and they are coming down for that. Cooper is the only one carrying on the family name so far.. very important to my grandfather! Can't wait!
Ok... I am going to make a pact.. starting from now! I have become a little lazy with comments, but reading with Goodgle reader.. but from now on.. I promise to comment if I have read!!
Ok... time to make a walk date with my neighbour who is recovering from a little op!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Fitness for life....
Friday, July 13, 2007
Bad mothering #846
Precious 2 and half year old son was jumping off the couch (like he often does... Helloooo.... he is 2 and a half!!!) anyway, i was cooking tea and I didn't see the actual incident, but a scream like no other was soon heard and my little man was hurt. He tried to get up to walk to me but he couldn't put any weight on one foot.
He was screaming, sweating - Must have REALLY hurt. His little foot was swelling and starting to go a little blue. Finally got him to settle down and rang the hospital (we are 55 km from after hours A & E)... They advised to keep him home as xray wasn't there and reassess in the morning.
The poor little man woke during the night crying "my foot.. my foot" a few doses of Nurofen seemed to calm him down.
Anyway in the morning he was able to put a little bit of weight on it, so I didn't take him in to Horsham. But as the day got longer he started using walls to support him and sitting a lot. So yesterday morning I headed over and it turns out he has broken a little bone in his right foot, but there isn't much they can do!!!
So my little man has been VERY grumpy with lack of sleep and I feel like a bad mother for
A: letting it happen
B: not taking him to Dr's earlier...
I am a AUNT again.. first time on my side of the family!! My brother Danny and his partner Lamie had a little boy COOPER WILLIAM JOHN... so chuffed!!!
The ONLY one so far to carry on my maiden name. (Lots of girl cousins...) Can't wait to meet him!
We collected the girls on Sunday from Mildura and they had a ball!!! I think they saw a different side of their grandies..
I took a car load of kids to Horsham on Tuesday and took them to the YMCA for a swim, great physical activity for them!!
Ok.. so much more happens, should post more. Will try too!!
Ciao for now!
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Boy for sale...
Saturday morning we had to buy two of the kids new helmets, Check out Hugh.. walking though the streets of Renmark with his helmet on (The plastic at the front should have been removed.. but NO... couldn't happen... woody boy)
The girls Jack and myself walked/rode into Renmark. This is a snap of the girls crossing the Paringa Bridge over the Murray... they loved it!!!
Anyway.. loaded up and headed home on Sunday after lunch. I cried until we got to bloody Redcliffs (nearly 200kms..) then I pulled myself together, knowing the girls would be having fun!! I feel fine about it now. They are big girls, I am just a sook!
They have been fine.. just Hugh is driving me mental. I don't think I realised how much they played with him until they aren't here!!! We head to Mildura on Sunday morning to collect the girls... I am sure they will be yelling at one another again.. but I am missing them!!
Funny story... (no really.. but amusing all the same..) On the way home from Ballarat yesterday I was pulled over by the police in Rupanyup (only about 50kms from home..) I didn't slow down enough through town (was in the 80's in a 60 zone.. naughty I know)... but anyway I was driving Jack WB Holden ute (this is a ute that country blokes drive.... V8, loud, big bullbar... get the picture - I know CKK will..) anyway, late last year Jack brought another one. He always had V8 utes before kids etc, and decided that time had come again to acquire another one. It is pretty cool and I don't mind driving it... even with Jack's tragic 80's music playing on the stereo..
Anyway... the police officer's first question was "Is this your ute??" - What?? Don't I look like a v8 ute driver??? Anyway.. after telling me that I was driving too fast he starts going over the ute looking for faults... Asking me to start the engine and rev it to see if it was too loud, blinkers, brake lights etc.. this went on for twenty minutes or so and I begun to feel like a 18 year old hoon. Anyway.. goes to his car and return 5 minutes later with a defect notice for the ute (two tyres and a reverse light..) BUT no speeding fine!!!! Quite excited that I got off, travelled home and rang Jack to tell him.
Jack knew that the two things he found wrong where there.. no big deal.. but then he says.. "your not going to believe this... I am being pulled over by the police... I'll call you back..." He was in Dooen.
Anyway.. rings back 15 minutes later. The police asked him his name and address... the police officer said to him... "I just pulled over your wife In Rupanyup... you have a couple of jobs to do on the ute when you get home" how freaky is that!! Jack was also pulled over for speeding.. but he was also let off!!!
So thank your stars for being alignment right last night... could have been a very expensive little night!!!