Saturday morning we had to buy two of the kids new helmets, Check out Hugh.. walking though the streets of Renmark with his helmet on (The plastic at the front should have been removed.. but NO... couldn't happen... woody boy)
The girls Jack and myself walked/rode into Renmark. This is a snap of the girls crossing the Paringa Bridge over the Murray... they loved it!!!
Anyway.. loaded up and headed home on Sunday after lunch. I cried until we got to bloody Redcliffs (nearly 200kms..) then I pulled myself together, knowing the girls would be having fun!! I feel fine about it now. They are big girls, I am just a sook!
They have been fine.. just Hugh is driving me mental. I don't think I realised how much they played with him until they aren't here!!! We head to Mildura on Sunday morning to collect the girls... I am sure they will be yelling at one another again.. but I am missing them!!
Funny story... (no really.. but amusing all the same..) On the way home from Ballarat yesterday I was pulled over by the police in Rupanyup (only about 50kms from home..) I didn't slow down enough through town (was in the 80's in a 60 zone.. naughty I know)... but anyway I was driving Jack WB Holden ute (this is a ute that country blokes drive.... V8, loud, big bullbar... get the picture - I know CKK will..) anyway, late last year Jack brought another one. He always had V8 utes before kids etc, and decided that time had come again to acquire another one. It is pretty cool and I don't mind driving it... even with Jack's tragic 80's music playing on the stereo..
Anyway... the police officer's first question was "Is this your ute??" - What?? Don't I look like a v8 ute driver??? Anyway.. after telling me that I was driving too fast he starts going over the ute looking for faults... Asking me to start the engine and rev it to see if it was too loud, blinkers, brake lights etc.. this went on for twenty minutes or so and I begun to feel like a 18 year old hoon. Anyway.. goes to his car and return 5 minutes later with a defect notice for the ute (two tyres and a reverse light..) BUT no speeding fine!!!! Quite excited that I got off, travelled home and rang Jack to tell him.
Jack knew that the two things he found wrong where there.. no big deal.. but then he says.. "your not going to believe this... I am being pulled over by the police... I'll call you back..." He was in Dooen.
Anyway.. rings back 15 minutes later. The police asked him his name and address... the police officer said to him... "I just pulled over your wife In Rupanyup... you have a couple of jobs to do on the ute when you get home" how freaky is that!! Jack was also pulled over for speeding.. but he was also let off!!!
So thank your stars for being alignment right last night... could have been a very expensive little night!!!
how lucky were you guys?! Thats weird that it was the same cop though lol! I know what you mean about the ute, i have the same problem with ash's car (subaru wrx impreza, racer boy car) even though i have a babyseat (usually accompanied by said baby) i always have police officers stop me and they never beleive its my car. either that or i get boy racers trying to race me!! Good on you for being so brave about letting your kids stay away, its not sooky to get a bit sad, i dont know how id go with joss going anywhere lol she doesnt even go to day care yet, cause i cant handle it!! lol Your kids are so cute btw!
What a lovely newsy post! Can imagine the panic when you couldn't find Hugh - it's a horrible feeling. Then you're so relieived to find him you want to pick him up and shake him. Bit of a coincidence with the cops but at least a good outcome.
the ute story is funny! Talk about lucky alright. I would have panicked too if I'd lost me kid in a big shopping mall...... glad you found him ok.
Brilliant! That is typical country. Can't go anywhere, can't do anything, hehe. And not "your ute needs work" but "you've got some work to do". It's stuff like that I miss. Does your ute have hayband tied to it anywhere? It's a tray, yes?
Hugh is a crack up - can you imagine all the stuff he's going to get up to when he has like-minded partners in crime? Maybe home school him? Then he would be with you all the time...!
Ohhhhh, my husband turned me onto WB utes and I can safely say I can remove and replace an alternator and starter motor in one. Many, many naughty memories (front and back) in the WB.
What a bloody co-inky-dink with the copper. I bet he was checking you out, not the car. Brilliant that you both escaped the speeding fine. LOL
Re: Hugh. I recommend eBay. haha
Seriously, I burst out laughing when I saw the pic of him with his helmet on. My sister went through a stage with her eldest. He would NOT leave the house, unless he had the ENTIRE cowboy outfit on. Including the attitude.
Have a safe trip this weekend!
I think the universe is sending the both of you a sign to slow down, this will be for a reason and seeing as you are heading on a road trip at the weekend, keep to the limit!! You've both had your warnings!!
My two year old is doing my head in at the moment. She is paddying like a nutter at an institution and she keeps telling ME off and saying that she's not naughty, she's beautiful. Oh dear!!
How lucky is that?! Both let off on speeding on the same day!! Very lucky. Next time you are in Mildy we should catch up, if you have time. Would be cool to meet.
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