I am very excited... really motivated... set to change the world... for one person at least!!!
My farm neighbour, 5km alway, joined Weight watchers last night and I am her new drill sargent... so to speak. I will call her "A" - she took a major step last night and came along to a meeting. She rang during the day and she asked if she could come with me to my meeting.. that alone was a huge step.... saying out aloud that you wanted to attend a meeting.. not just slient thoughts.
I met "A" there at the start of the meeting and our leader Ros, spent the first 30 minutes with her, explaining things, weighed etc. Then she sat beside me and sighed... the worst was over. I am sure we all can remember that first meeting.. not sure who you wll see there that you know... what in the hell will the scales say... will people talk about me.. all of these stupid thoughts going through your head...
I was very proud of "A" coming... she is a shift worker, which I can imagine is a nightmare for eating, a very busy mother of older boys, but she is determined to lose weight and become heathly. She will be here later today so I can help her with all of the Hunderds of questions that she will have. She did walk away from the meeting last night a little confused.... like you do..
I am very passionate about the Weight Watchers program and what it did for me and if I can help someone else.. of course I will. .. "A" stayed for the meeting last night and one of the questions was "How does it affect you being over weight???" - "A" answered with - "It is in my every throught... " The time has come to do something about it..
When we left the meeting she stayed and talked quickly with Janita and I for a few minutes and she said like it is almost like secret life.. going to these meetings and no one else needs to know. We walk away until the following week and it is almost like the unwritten rule that it isn't discussed in public.. at playgroup or down the street... Often, if I see Janita at playgroup I'll say that I will call her later... just to talk about WW... so I guess it is like a secret life.. a life that only other WW would understand! I will keep you all informed on "A" progress..
So.. with my new found motivation I am going to track this week and check the portion sizes. I brought the new WW cookbook last night "The really content tummy" - lots of yum receipes in there, so at least one new meal will be produced this week as well.
We have a wedding at Coonawarra, SA, this weekend. I am taking the photos as well.. so that is very exciting as well. My mother is coming over to stay with the kids for the night.
Other news... we had one of our farm sheds fall down Tuesday night... wet and windy weather. Had ute and combine in there. We got the ute out, but the combine is still stuck under the roof. The insurance assessor was here yesterday and he is sending a builder from Bendigo to come and quote to fix, but if it is over $10,000 they will just pay us out and we will have to build another. The assessor thinks that we are under insured and it will cost us more then that to replace... damm
Having a "stitch 'n' bitch" tonight at a friends. Our husbands are in Apex togther and there is Apex tonight.. so we are going to make jellewery bags for our mothers for Mothers Day... I am not crafty at all.. so Julia will be pulling her hair out my the end of the night from lack of skills....
Oh... I got my entry in for the "Slimmer of the year" for WW.. really don't think that I will win the title because I haven't lost enough weight.. in the past the winners have lost between 30 to 50kg... but every kilo lost WW donate 50c to Breast cancer reserach... I nearly got cold feet. I complied all of the photos etc and I thought.. my god.. do I really want everyone to see these??? But... still handed it in last night!
Here is the photo that I had to get Janita to take yesterday morning... all of photos of me since I lost weight have had Jack in them as well...
Better go and do some housework... take care all XX