Sunday, November 26, 2006

Random thoughts....

Way to many things going on in my head for just one title I am afraid!!! I guess that is a downfall of only posting occasionally..

You know.. that such we drink... STILL no rain and buying bottled water to drink and cook with. Kids love having "neverfail" water where they can just help themselves. Jack's Mum came down last week for a couple of days and brought with her a 20 litre bottle... laugh as you might.. it was very welcome!! The Neverfail water has a tang... Jack said it reminds him of bore water.. i guess a spring is a bore. I never throught in my life I would become a water snob. Several years ago a friend was given a few thousand dollars for her 30th birthday. She went out and brought another rainwater tank for the house. I thought she was mad!! But she just loves the taste of rainwater! Now... never in a million years did I think I would have a similar opinion.. in fact.. i thought she was mad......

Bit exciting this week.. we sold some lambs and they where in the first run at the sale. A few month ago I was asking Jack a heap of questions about the stock sales, how they work etc. He rang a stock agent (Jack works for Elders) and organised me to do a day at the sheep sale. So I knew that the first run was good. They put the better lambs up for sale first. We got a mention in the paper as a star lot!! We where very excited... some good things come out of the drought!!

I have NEVER been as organised with chirstmas as I am this year! I have my little list of presents, with peoples names beside them. Getting excited and can't wait to put up the chistmas tree next weekend. I just need to get Hugh one more little gift and I think that it it!

I am turning 30 on the 7th of Jan and need to come up with an idea for a party. Theme or something.. some help would be great. Will be holding it here with kids invited. Considerig that most of our friends have kids, it is just easier. Don't hold back.. need ideas!!!!!!

OK EDIT - Theme has been made "Mexican Fiesta"

I just mowed them. usually a job that takes about an hour and requires me to re-start the lawn mower at least three or four times from me overloading it in long grass. Took me 30 minutes.. had to empty once.. Why?? LAWN DOESN'T GROW WITHOUT WATER!!!! Out of all of the things that have been pissing me off with the drought.. I can't believe how depressing it is to see our back lawn just slowly die! When we moved here (just over 3 years ago) we had to get a bobcat and a semi in to clean up about the house. They removed 7 semi loads of shit from around the house. So, we started with a house in a paddock... we have since put fencing up etc and planted a lawn, but man, is it going backwards! At times i think "fuck it" and just water it, but when we are carting water, it is too silly to even consider. Jack set up a grey water system to catch all of the water apart from the septic, but that is just keeping the dusk from blowing. I looked up the long range forecast and December is going to be dry...

My brother.. he doesn't get mentioned on here very often, lives in Melbourne with his partner and her two girls (18 and 14) and he rang earlier in the week to let us know that they are having a BABY!!! So excited... I was surprised how excited I was. Jack's side of the family has a baby nearly ever year since 1998.. and still coming, but on my side, my kids are it! Only early stages yet and my sister -in - law is nearly 40, fingers crossed everything is ok!!

Better mention her. She is on her way home for a week or so. She finished Uni this past month and has a few weeks off until her Grad year starts. She will say with mum, so will see a bit of her in the next week.

Back to work
I made a call a couple of weeks ago that I was prepared to go back to work next year! There is a few things on the cards and the extra money will put my mind at rest. I used to work in Real Estate in Horsham as a property manager, but I need to find a job in Warracknabeal. I have no other family in town, and if the kids are sick or a something, I don't want to have to run back from Horsham (40min) Ideally, 2 days a week - three a pinch. I have also been taking more photos then usual. I took a break fro mthis after Hugh was born. He was a total sook and made it hard. I take wedding, family, corporate and also work for the local paper with sport photos on the weekend.. The kids are easier to handle now, so I might do more of this.

I really want to step this up.. REALLY want to. I have a delightful summer cold at the moment and hate it. I never get colds!! They suck! I read Women's health and fitness and find it so motivating, but don't know where to start. I guess moving my arse it a good start!!! I downloaded
LMS link to the podcasts to c25k.. and that is far as I got!! My weight has been going back down. Only about 1kg above my lowest weight. My food has been really good. Eating all food group etc. I recently did that RealAge and very pleased to find that I am 3.3 years younger then my actual age. Just need to move more. Having this cold sucks... Our local pool opened yesterday and will be spending a lot of time there over summer, so apart from a tan I might actually exercise there. My mother has taken up aqua-walking and loves it. About 10 or so women meets at the new YMCA in Horsham and walk for 90 minutes.. very social! So, perhaps I will dream up a pre-christmas fitness plan. MANY christmas parties to deal with over the next month!!

So.. how right was my title?? Can't get much more random then all of those little tidbits... I got excited for a moment when I received an email from Beck saying she and Bradman where doing a road trip and would like to met, BUT it would have been an arwful long way out of their way to get to us!!! Thank you for thinking of us Beck!!!!

I guess I better go and catch the washing off the line. The wind can whip that line so quickly! Take care
Kirsty x

Sunday, November 05, 2006

No Water????

I LOVE this photo... Have you seen it before??
It has done the rounds with those funny emails... maybe it is just a rural joke???
During the 2002 drought a farmer has worked his paddock and written "Fuck the drought" into the paddock.. classic!!! Wonder what he has done this year???
Well.. this morning.. a month before we thought it would happen, we ran out of water!! It is the bloddy start of november and I have no water to Wash clothes, cook, bath my kids or drink for that matter!! It is November!!! Droughts suck! I will have to organise a tanker of treated water to be delivered tomorrow.... shuttering to think how much it will cost, but I need water!!
Have had the busiest weekend!! Kids had swimming in Horsham yesterday, then I had to take photos for the paper.. kids came with.. then a quick trip home to wash the pool smell off us all and dress in warmer clothes for the Drags - Car racing drags that is. The WACK (Wimmera agaisnt cancer in kids) host a drag meeting at the Warracknabal Airport twice a year and it is great!! Kids loved it...
Then today, I went in my first Fun Run in Horsham.. only 5km, but loved it!! Beautiful day and worked on my tennis tan a little more!! Photo to follow.. (I had to cut out a few people from my photo..)
Jack kept the kids up and we all went to sleep this afternoon, that was so nice!! I don't often sleep in the arvo anymore. Before I lost my weight i would sleep EVERY afternoon, like the kids. I had to wean myself! Just waiting for Jack to come back.. he went ot kill a sheep, for the freezer (gross I know...) then a quite night in!
My weigh in at WW was bad!!!!!!!! I am getting so frustrated with myself. I know what I have to do, but always end up putting weight on. I need to lose 2kg!!!!!!! in 4 weeks.. Things have been good since the meeting.. on the right track now!
Anyway.. better go and stack the dishwashing in anticaption of water tomorrow!!! As my friend the farmer stated in that photo... "Fuck the drought !!!!!!!"

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Gastric by-pass???????

Warning... very optionated post of follow
I am about to hop onto my soapbox for a moment, but it seems to be quite 'fashionable' to have a gastric bypass done atm... what is with that???
So many people seem to be going under the knife to become slim... the easy way... or so they seem to think!!
I know that I shouldn't judge people on their own choices, and I wouldn't know all of the reasons behind their decision to undergo major surgery to lose weigh, and each person is different, but I think it is a cop out.
Do they really think about it?? Have they REALLY given other 'healthy lifestyles" a chance before giving up?? Have they thought, and I mean really thought about the long term effects on their life?? Example... Christmas day!! Who counts points on Christmas day?? If you had this procedure done you wouldn't enjoy this days anywhere near as much. How many other occasions during the year do you celebrate with food??? If I watch what I eat before and after an event.. I let loose. You have to live life!!
Surely some must have some depression associated with a gastric bypass... Food would never be looked at again in the same eyes.. Never!! No days off... Never. People who undertake this procedure must love food, otherwise, like myself they wouldn't be in this situation. That would have to effect your life. Not being able to eat when, what and as much as you liked for the rest of your life. No choice!!
I know that I could wear some flack about this, but it is taking the easy way out. Almost like cheating.. Well thinking they are in for a quick fix without thinking of the long term.
Also... What sort of example does this set for their children.
If, at my largest, I was 2kg heavier, I would have qualified for the by-pass. I lost weight with changing the way I lived.. nothing ground super diet or pill.. just living life they way we should. Sensible eating, movement and most of all controlling my emotions.
I can remember saying before I joined WW that I wasn't an emotional eater.. I just really liked food. Well... I do really like eating but I am a huge emotional eater, I just wasn't aware of it. I still eat occasionally because of stress, but at least I know that I am doing in and put in place plans to make me stop. How does an operation control this????????
So.. Sorry if you are reading and you disagree with what I am saying, but it amazes me how much more acceptable this procedure is. Surely, our heathcare systems funds could be better spent on education and support for these people to first adopt a healthy lifestyle before they go under the knife...