Thursday, September 28, 2006

Girls night in....

Most of you would have heard about the "Girls night in" the Cancer Council Australia run.. to raise funds for 'girly' cancer research. Last year I held a morning tea and raised quite a bit.. the plans for this year is bigger and better!!!
About a month ago my neighbour popped in on a Friday night, quite happy, as it was her birthday and she had a few glasses of bubbly to celebrate.. well the night continued with me pulling out my wedding album, my mothers wedding album (I got that in mum & Dad's divorce settlement.. with her dress..) THEN.. out came my wedding dress, all of my bridesmaids dresses, a suitcase full of wedding stuff. I was having a blast trying them on. My sisters bridesmaid dress she wore at my wedding fitted (Could almost breath... but hey it was ON!) Anyway... that is the basis of my "girls night in" theme this year.
I am going to send out formal invites (like wedding invites) to attend a "girls night" and ask the guest to bring their wedding album, wedding video, dress or something to share from their own wedding or maybe a bridesmaid dress. I am going to set up the nibbles table like a wedding reception table.. complete with "Wedding Cake" - A hot pink little number just with girls on top of it... Have toasts and present awards... When does anyone have an opportunity to pull out their wedding dress again??? Or even share their wedding photos after the event?? Sound like a good idea???
For those of you that don't know the idea behind it, the guests are ask to make a donation, equal to how much they would normally spend on a night out, for the Cancer Council Australia and celebrate being a woman, escape for a night and just have a good time!
Open to further ideas to expand my idea... my only issues is a few friends that are divorced, but I might invite them personally. I am sure they could still share!!
Weigh in tonight - getting frustrated by my weight!!!!! Only 4 weeks ago I was at my all time low and was caught saying "I am officially happy with my weight" - then all hell breaks loose and I bloody nearly gain THREE fuckin kilos!! (sorry for the language.. by really.. what is with that!!!!) I know why I put the weight on... as soon as those little words left my mouth, I started making little bad choices.. lots of little bad choices equals 3 kilos..
I am going to start playing Wednesday morning tennis next week. A bit of hit and giggle, girly tennis, but about my standard. Looking forward to it!
Ok.. better go... baby yelling. Have a great weekend. Mine will entail the movies tomorrow night with my best friend (the Devil wears Prada) a market on Saturday morning, helping Jack mve an old septic tank and eating and exercising well!! Please drive carefully. TOO many accidents on the roads!!
Oh.. almost forgot. I got a refund for my mothers MP3 player.. mother will be happy... I another little victory for the squeaky wheel....

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Squeaky wheel gets the oil....

At times, I live by that little saying.. ..
When I was working in real estate, one of my employers used this term often. It took me ages to actually understand the meaning of it.
It came to mind this morning. I have issues with our dishwasher and my mothers MP3 player we brought her for Christmas last year. Both aren't working.
The dishwasher is sorted. It is just over a year old and it has been back to be repaired three times - If it was a toaster or a kettle, that I could remove and carry myself it would be such a issue. But it is a major job getting the bloody thing in and out of the house!! I a very lucky that Jack is quite strong and we have a ute!! Anyway.. I had a calm discussion with the supplier in Horsham and they have agreed to replace it. That squeaky wheel got some oil and is now happy...
But.. my mothers MP3 player is an amazing saga!! Not sure what is going on. We brought it off a local electricial store and they aren't known for their good service, but we try to support the local businesses as much as possible. It stopped working, I took it back, they send it away (apparently.... but it still at the store - they might have sent it back??? Not sure about that either) I have been in there weekly for the past two months... "It has been sent away... waiting to hear... it is out of stock...waiting to hear from the Rep... waiting for the new model to be released" the list was endless. Last week, they gave me a 'new' one - the same model was the one I brought initially (thought it was out of stock!!!) Got it home, plugged it in to load some songs on it for mum and it wouldn't charge or turn on. But while I had it plugged in I noticed that there was a heap of songs already on there. So, i get on the phone and report that it wasn't working and asked if it was new??? The response was that "Yes, of course it was" - I then asked why there was songs on there?? "I got my daughter to load songs onto it and make sure it worked before we gave it to you" - Then (i was infront of my computer) click on one of the songs and looked up the properties to find the file was put on there in April, told him as such and was told to bring it back in next time I was in town.... Dropped it off this morning and he was waiting for a call back from the rep. Will call in there tomorrow. My next call will be to Comsumer Affiars with this one.... really is past a joke now!!!!
Up to day 5/28 of my latest challenge. Food was just OK over the weekend. Well and truly eaten all of my sugar points and my movements sucked a little over the past couple of days. Making up for it today! Where i need more motivation then ever at the moment is with my cooking. So over the same old dishes - time for summer BBQ's..... I love soup... and have it most days for lunch, but over it. Love stewy things.. but over them also. Time to pull out the olde cook books for some summer inspiration.
We have a cafe here in town and a few months ago, after having a couple of chats with other women in town, approached the owner of the cafe with a few menu suggestions. All of the food they cook is really not WW friendly... either covered in cheese, deep fried etc.. you could have a sandwich, but who really goes out for lunch Just to have a sandwich.. I don't even eat them at home!!! The kids and I popped in there for lunch today and I was impressed to see they had a "Light option" on the menu... and it was delish!!! It isn't just people on WW that watch what they eat. Many people, if they have a choice, will opt for something that is better for them... Hopefully people see it there and they continue with it! It really is the only place to eat in town, for lunch. I was getting to point that I was dreading going there. Food Nazi (that is what Jack calls me..)
Ok, better go and make the Thomas track a little bigger so all three kids can fit around it!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

2 x 4 Challenge

I am not talking about a length of timber...

This is the title of my new challenge. Reading one of the many blogs that I tick past each week I read something about a 4 week challenge... I am sorry I can't recall who's blog it was (I have even tried looking for it!!!) 12 weeks seems to drag on and on... so I have planned a short, quick, wee 4 week one!

So.. in a nut shell - The aim is to lose 2kg in 4 weeks. I have a few people from our little Weight watchers meeting joining me on this.. With the change in the season, the timing is perfect to get things moving again.

Some of the rules for us is to Track everything we eat.. even if we go over points (i have been known in the past to stop counting once I got my my limit!!!)
Clock up at least 70,000 steps each week and ONLY have 14 sugar points for the week!!
The basics.... but that should get us to toe the line again and get rid of 2kg.
The reward - A Massage!!!!!

I have noticed that I eat total crap leading up to and during TTOM.. three weeks hard work gone! I haven't always been like that.. and grumpy.... I feel sorry for my family during this time also. Just to balance everything out, I have started taking 30-plus - Even though i MUST stress that I am only 29!!!! I never used to suffer this bad from PMS.... I am not sure if it is because I have lost weight, or perhaps it is a hormonal thing after having my tubes tied for the second time..... Some friends have suggested that perhaps I am running to lean, and need to put on some weight?? Not sure.. but that will be a last resort!!
My idea being if I don't suffer so much with PMT - I won't be on this continual cycle of getting to my lowest of 62 - then eating my way but up to 64. Have been eating a fair bit of crap recently... but that is stopping. It wouldn't be too bad if I had just one lollie... but I eat the bag. I have work too damm hard to lose this weight to just eat it all again.

Today has been a busy day! I worked for a few hours. The Minister for Local Government was in our area and they appointed me to follow her and take photographs of the events that she was in attendance at.. so a library opening in Warrackanbeal, meeting at a neighborhood house in Donald and a bridge opening also in Donald. It was SO windy... but got home in one piece! I was desperate to wear this new spunky dress that I brought at the end of last summer.. but alias it was too cold!!!
My sister is on her way home home Melbourne as I type this, so the weekend will be catching up with her and just general jobs... and LOTS of movements!!
I am in love with my exercise bike. I can ride up to 55km a day on it. It is great to be able to ride while the kids are in bed, or watching TV. It is so quite!

Thank you Bec for the 43 things web link.. very cool web site. Definitly got me thinking. Will update soon on a few dreams... have been thinking lots.
Ok... everyone have a safe weekend and will be back shortly with an update of how the weekend eating and exercise finished up!!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


If someone asked you now "What is your dream?" - could you give them an answer???
Apart from the usual - "To win tattslotto..." I really couldn't give you clear cut answer...
Why don't I have dream that is crystal clear.. and dream that is achievable... Something that I can work towards...
Perhaps I am working towards dreams and it isn't just a conscious thing... We love living where we do... This really is a dream to live out of town on our little farm. Making this property our own is important to us... we are doing this... making that dream come true.
I have had bad skin from my teenage years and still now have the odd breakout. I used to dream about waking up and have skin of a model. I didn't just have the odd pimple. I had acne on my face, back, chest, tops of my arms & shoulders..
I was reading an old copy of a Madison magazine and I read about how models have to look after their skin.. if they have bad skin.. they don't have a job... those high school issues came rushing back again... For YEARS I would never leave the house without makeup... swim without a t-shirt.. not wear tank tops so not to show the tops of my arms.. I was so embarrassed by it.
Now.. that all seems so silly. I don't care. I live in singlet tops, leave the house without doing my hair.. let alone make-up and swim in a bikini. Sure.. my skin has cleared up since then, but I have scaring that is still promient. I guess.. in a way.. my attitude changed.. making this dream come true!
After having my children, I just to also dream about losing weight. To look great in a pair of jeans. All of this seems so superficial.. are these things really important??? But.. I guess that dream also became a reality!
What is my dream now??? I think it is a natural thing to dream for the best for your family.. but what is MY dream??? What is my next dream to work towards??
Why did I dream to be thin and have clear skin??? .. In hindsight, the picture is much clearer, but at the time when those dreams and wishes where made, it was only vanity.
I feel better about myself if I am happy on how I look. I have more confidence, I believe in myself, I believe that I am a successful person. It is so much more then just fitting into a size 10 pair of jeans....
Now... better start dreaming of a dream...

Monday, September 18, 2006

Hi there....

This is like ringing a long lost friend...
not sure where to start....
an awkward moment....
do I need to explain????
When I first started reading blogs, I would occasionally come across a blog where they have just vanished or a little post saying they where going to take a break from blogging...
My reaction to this was always.. Why???
Occasionally I would worry about the person...
'hope nothing has happened to them.... '
I didn't understand, just as I am sure there would be several people reading this saying the same.
Surely it isn't hard to keep us all posted??? Well, I understand now...
I was finding it difficult to post....
to stay positive...
I want to always be positive....
My head was in the wrong space....
So I had a break....
and now I am back!!!
Thanks also to everyone that emailed and posted comments... I am truly sorry for not just letting you know what I was up to.. I was just getting my head in the right space... And it is!!
My family are all just as beautiful as they where 6 odd weeks ago when I last posted... Jack is also great!
My fitness has been my main focus, finding this improving greatly. My weight dropped to 62.1 at one stage, but was up this morning to 64.1. I really struggle with ttom.. but more on that in another post.. promise!!
I have continued to read... i guess I went into stelth mode. So many exciting things out there happening...
Thank you once again for your concern and support... I am back baby...!!!!!!