Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Merry Christmas...
Sunday, December 02, 2007
quickie...catch up post!!
- Jack's birthday today... Happy birthday hunny!!! I was very excited about his present!! I got him an ipod with a FM transmitter for the car!! I have spent HOURS trying to friggin' work out itunes and get all of his music on it. He was totally blown away with it! He has never seen one before (yes.. believe it!!) and was totally in ore of how things have changed since his days of a walkman! I put on his entire music collection (quite large) and I still have room for more... and as CKK suggested, perheps he might need a jogging arm band! I have a shuffle.. but this is WAY cooler.. Jack loves his 80's music, so this will be the end of the huge collection of cd's that he has floating around the ute!
- Have been to Echuca for Jack's work christmas party last week.. that was great fun. If you are on facebook, there are a few photos. My mother came and stayed with the kids for a night. I really like Echuca.. it has sportsgirl.. I like sportsgirl..
- I am worried that I am almost too old for sportsgirl. I read an article in one of the weekend papers months ago that talked about "Kidults".. women in their 30's used ipods, and techy phones, listerned to top 10 music and shopped at sportsgirl when they shouldn't! - dressing as teenagers... I hope that I don't! The article basically told you to act your age.
- This week jack took holidays from his day job as a agronomist to work in a header for a week. He had fun!
- Had an information night at Emilie's school on Wednesday night. I was fighting back tears. When they started talking about pencil tins and lunch orders, it all became a little too real for me!
- I put in for a grant with the ABB for our kindergarten earlier this year (with many others.. I have been kicking arse this year with my grant applications...) anyway... when I picked up the kids from kinder on Friday there was a PALLET of resources for the kids to use! It was like Christmas... over $2000 worth of stuff for the kids! Just as well I have another kid going to kinder next year who will use them!
- One of the instructors at gym isn't talking to me... not a nice environment to work out in... what did I do?? I showed a lady how to do an exercise that she was struggling with. The instructor jumped off the treadmill that she constantly seems to be on to spit at me something along the lines of that "perhaps you should take over as instructor and she should just leave.." with a screwed up face... like you could say something like that as a joke.. but she is a nasty piece of work this chick. The lady I was helping had been struggle for a few minutes with it, and the instructor was watching, but god forbid anything interrupting her workout! Anyway... she isn't talking to me and I have chosen to keep on going. MANY people have stopped going to the gym because of her attitude, but I need to go for me.. not her... scrag...
- I have resown my back lawn this week. We got a dam fill and WE HAVE WATER!!! yeehah! So Jack and I have been watering and hopefully by the end of summer we will have a nice lawn again!
- Had APEX Christmas party last night... a bus trip to the Little Desert lodge. (where the picture of the fire was in a previous post) Funny story... A little gross if you are eating..) there was three different Christmas parties on at the same time and in the group of tables beside us, there was a bloke who was pissed to the eyeballs when we got there. They served entree, this bloke (who was sitting beside the boss) spewed into his meal!!!!! noice... very noice...
- My sister is home for the next 6 weeks before she moves to Tasmania. She works for KPMG and her boyfriend just finished uni, is a mechanical engineer, got a job for Rio Tinto in Launceston. So, they move on my birthday (7th Jan). they have brought a house that has a granny flat out the back, so our next holiday will be to tas.
- Just had a call from jack, they are cutting up sheep and they need my help... yuck! Twice a year they do a huge kill and butcher. 24 lambs this time. I better go and take my freezer bags!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
my body....
With three weeks left of my challenge, time to give you a little bit of an update...
Weight - down by 2.3kg
Chest - Down by 6cm
Waist - down by 6cm
Hips - down by 8cm
Thighs - Down by 4cm
So.. HAPPY with this so far...
Over the past week I have been involved with a little self-imposed experiment that I am going to call "Project Sodium"....
Over the past week or so I have weighed each day (I don't normally do this) and with Calorie King, I have tracked my sodium intake and firstly discovered a LOT of sodium hidden in so many foods and drinks... (usually processed foods - perfect example is corn flakes, they use salt to process the corn which results in a serving of 30 grams of these have 246mg of sodium!!! FFS and more sodium than the same size serving of potato chips - 138mg sodium!!)
Anyway... my weight chart pretty much followed the sodium intake chart... when I had high sodium in my diet, my weight the next day was higher!
Fluid retention sucks... I have reviewed my diet and found where most of the hidden sodium lies (coke zero was one) and reduced my intake further! Project sodium will continue... just from personal interest point of view.. interesting how the body works hey!
Anyway... harvest is going well! I am a Little tired today. Jack came in last at about 9.30pm, earliest he has been in all week, and heads to bed early! Great.. a little catch up!! But no... he heads back out to the header at 2am!!!!!! Got home a little after 7 to find all three of his kids riding bikes int he drive way while their mother is still asleep !
have a great day!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Big fire in little desert...
Friday, November 16, 2007
Busy days...
have a great weekend!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
To eat like a child....
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Remembrance Day
In 1915, Major John McCrae, brigade-surgeon, First Brigade Canadian Forces Artillery, was working in a dressing station on the front line to the north of Ieper, Belgium, when he wrote In Flanders Fields:
We are the dead. Short days ago
Take up our quarrel with the foe;
In 1918 Moira Michael, an American, wrote a poem in reply, We shall keep the faith, in which she promised to wear a poppy 'in honour of our dead' and so began the tradition of wearing a poppy in remembrance.
It isn't even half way through November and the headers are rolling into paddocks! This is early but it will be well and truely over before chirstmas, so that is great!
Jack is like the local spare at harvest time... when ever someone needs an extra pair of hands Jack is called upon! So, hense, he has spent his weekend in a header for friends of ours. Hughie spent a couple of hours in there with him yesterday afternoon after swimming then we had tea (the kids and I ) with the wife of the farmer Jack was helping out.
This is quite usual over harvest, the wives get together and feed the kids and have a few drinks while their husbands work.. sort of breaks it up a little for the harvest widows!
The header will pull into our crops tomorrow sometime, so will post photos.
I started the day with a nice walk, before Jack left. Well, it was nice until my neighbour scared the shit out of me.. curse the MP3 player...
OK... time to clean!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
We've been makin' hay...
Just a quick post with some photos of what has been going on here! Jack and his dad have been busy making hay (HUGE bales between 600 - 800kg each) and stacking hay!
Monday, November 05, 2007
Rain and road side assistance.....
No need to ask how I spent my next hour... cleaning the mud off the ute before it set! The blokes in the shearing shed had a great laugh at my expensive, wanting to know why it took me 2 hours to get to the shed from home...
My second roadside assistance call wasn't really my fault! Yesterday morning i packed and got ready for the fun run In horsham. Jack's dad is flying into the Horsham airport tomorrow, so I was taking a spare ute over to Horsham so he could get back to us tomorrow. Anyway, the ute needed fuel and on my way into town before heading to Horsham I ran out of fuel!!!!! So Jack, bless him, raced into town and towed me the km to the fuel station. Filled up but by this stage it was pissing down again and I decided that it was too wet to run.. so I pulled the pin! Back home again and went over to Horsham a little later and left the ute at the airport for FIL...
The hay.. well, jack has just left to rack it! Fingers and toes crossed that it isn't too wet. Poor jack will be pulling an all nighter and hopefully they will be able to bale sometime tomorrow! It will be one less thing to worry about with that gone!
My PT is doing me a new program.. about time!!! so will be busting to get to gym on Wed! I am going to work more on strength and resistance training at gym and continue cardio at home! I can only get to gym twice a week, with the kids schedule, so it will work for me.
OK... time to get kids to bed!
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Happy Birthday Hughie....
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Totally Fab.....

Thanks Bri (private) for my award!!!! She has given me my first award as a blogger!!! The deal is that I now pass the award on to five other totally Fabulous bloggers!
This is so hard... but the one blogger that I get excited each time I see that she has posted is Beck! I think at times that woman has been to the moon and back in her short lifetime, but she is an amazing woman and a terrific mother!!!
Then we have the fit and fabulous Lia!!! CHECK OUT THIS BLOG!!!! Her determination and organisial skill are truly fab!
And our running bunny Kathryn.. man .. this woman can write! Not often i read one of her posts and not get a laugh!
God this is hard to only pick five... I love reading about all of you guys... but moving on...
I would have to mention Kate (Private).. see was one of the first blogs that I started to read. A beautiful person and mother... truly a Fab blogger
and finally.. Kerry... she is also a country gal, stricken by the drought! Quite often I can read her posts and totally understand the stresses of her life!
Now.. if CKK still blogged she would be up there!!! and there are so many more... but these are my five!
So Girls, if you haven't already done this, award five blogging awards yourself with a link to the blogs!
In other news, i think that I am finally getting over this frickin' cold! totally sucks blowing your nose for a fortnight.. but i think that it is slowing down. I haven't missed any training sessions, but man.. yesterday it was so hard. I laid down on a mat for 'mummy tummy time' and put my towel over my head and just laid quietly for 10 minutes.. with my eyes closed!!!! I had only had about 5 hours sleep and just needed a little me time!
The night prior I went to horsham for a fundraiser for breast cancer and saw "No reservation" with Catherine Zeta-Jones in it.. not a bad chick flick at all... tonight I have a dinner for jack's work and tomorrow night we are going to a production in Horsham of "Bye Bye Birdie". So, another two late nights and then first thing Saturday morning we are heading to Melbourne for my sister-in-laws 40th birthday party. Jack might be making hay over the weekend, so it may be just me and the kids.
The ball has started to roll with kinder enrolements for next year, with my little Laura. It looks like she will have 16 hours a week of kinder next year. Due to the low numbers of kids, they might going to offer 'user pay' session for an extra day a week. This will bring her kinder fee up over $900 a year.. taking me a little bit to get my head around that. If you have a health care card, the government gives the kinder a grant of over $700 to cover the fees.. huge difference!!! anyway... moving on.. nothing I can do about it!
Scales... finally seeing some movement of my holiday binge fat moving on! Back to almost normal weight again ! I am also being addicted to facebook again.. just worked out how to search for people!
Ok.. this isn't getting the housework done and I need to finish off an assignment today sometime, so must be off like a Jewish foreskin...
Sunday, October 21, 2007
These are a few of my favorite things....
Friday, October 19, 2007
Golf anyone!!
I am not sure if this is just a country thing, but a 'golf day' is you invite all of your good clients to a 'free' golf day where they play golf (like derrr), eat and drink - all paid for my a company (in this case my who my Husband works for...) They have eskys with beer at each tee off... I really don't think that golf is the main reason for the day!!
Usually they come home in a bad state, as too many ales have been drunk, but a great day all the same! the Local golf club must love these days!! They will have to keep the bar well stocked! But... can anyone tell me why people tend to eat and drink more if it is free??? You wouldn't be any more hungry or thirsty, just because it is free??
The two little kids and i did I lap of the creek (bed... no water in it..) this morning instead of playgroup. They are all resting now, but swimming in the morning, I am working in the afternoon taking photos for the paper and I think that is about it!
Next weekend we are heading to Melbourne for my sister-in-laws 40th! It was going to be in Bendigo, but last minute change of plans, it was changed to Melbourne (where they live) But i will get to see my little nephew again!!!!!
Okey dokey.. better go!
Choices: I had a steak sanda for lunch.. left the sausages and hamburgers for the 'golfers'
Thursday, October 18, 2007
feeling better.... much better...
My post was just gobbled up, post! Hope I can remember what I had written!
I am feeling better, just a runny nose and cough left! I think i am lucky just to have had a cold, another round of gastro is going around again!
Anyway, I am very happy with my food choices and exercise this week, so far. I have clocked up over 15,000 steps each day, apart from Tuesday (the day i went back to bed..)
I am in love with oranges at the moment... I have always liked them, but I think I always thought that they where messy to eat!! But, I have been cutting them up in a bowl and eating them like a lady with a fork.. and I am in love with them again! I am 'almost' eating all of my food groups each day, but I seem to struggle with dairy! I am not a great fan of yogurt and I don't each cheese each day.. something that I will work on! Drinking at least 2 litres of water a day as well... nice when things become easy and not a struggle!
I also looks like we are going to be getting a Dam fill... Our domestic water is supplied by a channel filled dam, but since the stores have been so low, it looked like we weren't going to get a dam fill again. We didn't get one last year and we had to tanker in water for the house and stock! Will believe it when the channel has water in it, but it should be on it's way. It will be the last time that the channel system will run! The famous pipeline should be operational by next year.
okay, I better go and get tea organised. Chat soon...
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Thanks girls....
I have had a couple of really great days of exercise... a little sore even today after gym yesterday, but today I have hit the wall with a head cold! I really just want crawl back into bed and sleep, but three little people think otherwise!
Will post more soon... bout to go backto bed... just for a few minutes!
Thanks again ladies...
Monday, October 15, 2007
Are you expecting????
At one of the parties I went to yesterday, a 'friend' asked if I was expecting another child!!!!!
Get fucked!!!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Fat days...
Thursday, October 11, 2007
I survived....
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Yeah, he is cute.....
My son has just broken a window in the lounge room. He isn't quite three yet!! He threw a book and cracked it! He just looked at me a smiled! Thinking, that will melt mum's heart.. didn't work!
This is after, only this morning, we brought new plants for the vegie patch at kindergarden to replace the ones that he destroyed before term break..
and after we had new footings poured (small concrete slabs) for our new shed to be bolted to and out of the 12, 10 now two Hugh sized foot prints in them. I have kept his little socks that he had on at the time (found them outside) they set hard from the concrete.. will present them to him on his 21st.
That is the most recent incidents.. so it is just as well as he is cute.. and that we do love the little shit!
I had a great session at Gym today, but I didn't cool down as I had to wizz home again to get some paperwork for our hay contract, so VERY sore! Getting quicker for longer on treadmill and finding weights that I am lifting easier.. so might be time to step it up again.
Warracknabeal Show tomorrow.. I usually HATE it because it is a feral day, kids and weather wise, but this year is going to be different. This is the first time that I don't have to drag a pram through sand to get around... and in the past I have been either :-
a. - Pregnant
b. Baby in Pram and Pregnant
c. two babies in twin pram and VERY pregnant
d. Three babies pouring out of twin pram
c. Two girls running away from mother trying to push pram through sand
d. 43 degree temp followed by dust strom..
So, this year will be different. Jack is on the spinning wheel for APEX, so it is the one time that Jack can't help. Will report in tomorrow with photos.. but fingers crossed, it will be better!
Choices: I chose to take in an apple for morning tea in town, instead of my usual herb scone. I watched them make these scones last week and I was SHOCKED with the amount of cream that went into them... fine if it is a once in a while.. but I have, at times, had three or so a week!!! They don't offer much else. On Monday I asked them to make a small chicken salad for me. (We only have one cafe in town.. other then two bakeries that aren't that food friendly..)
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Catching my breath...
In recap... our holiday was brilliant!!! We went away with a heap of Jack's mates from Ag school, they are home all over SA and it was brilliant! All of the kids met for the first time (from 13 to 6 months old... 13 kids in total!) and we didn't get to bed before 2am for 5 nights in a row! Haven't laughed so hard in a lonnngg time! All being from farming land, they all needed it!
Watched the grand final.. well didn't really watch it after half time, one of the worse games I have watched all year. I loved that Geelong won (being a cats supporter) but it could have been a better game!
I got a heap of exercise while away. Morgan has lots of hills, so a little challenging at the same time! The first morning I took off on my own and started running down by the river.. but no paths so I ran through the caravan park and up on a dirt track. It was quite early (before 7am) and I had my mp3 player going in my ears. Next thing you know, friggin' 6 track motor bikes come belting past me. Scared the crap out of me, but i was walking on a motorbike track!!
Kids also had a ball making new friends! We are planning to catch up each year for a little holiday together!
Now.. my food choices could have been a little better while away and the only day that I did really let go was grand final day, but I still managed to exercise each day!
The scales did go up over a kilo, but this morning I am happy to see back to what they where before we left!
Some photos...
Friday, October 05, 2007
Home again...
Will be back shortly.. I need to catch up on over 200 posts (thanks to google reader..)
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Flash Back Friday...
On fire....
We have a hay cutter coming to our block this morning to have a look at our wheat! Sadly, i think it is coming down for hay and not be harvested! Pity.. the crop looks fantastic! But Jack doesn't think the season will be able to finish it off! Hard call to make, but I guess that ball is in jack's court (He is an agronomist) I think the crop will come down while we are away, so we don't have to watch it!!
I went to the new YMCA gym in Horsham and was almost in heaven! Very cool and a heap of fun! Bit sore yesterday, using different machines .
My beautiful girls... this is at the football on Saturday. So many people ask me if I have hundreds of photos of my kids and I do.. but I LOVE this one! In both this photos my kids are dressed from TOFI... (new season stuff in and they sell ESPRIT online now as well...)
Have a great little weight loss victory story to share. Before Christmas I went shopping with a friend for some pants and a top. My dear friend has to most gentle of souls and would do ANYTHING for you! Anyway.. shopping brought size 24 clothes for her. Last week we went shopping and brought her size 12!!!!! She went to a wedding in March after Christmas and she was so shocked with the photos, she did something about it! She was 104.9kg and now weighs 67kg. She hasn't used any program, but watched what she ate and very very determined! She look fantastic!!!! She gets it.. she will never get back to that size! But.. living in a small town she has been getting some nasty comments.. "I heard that your husband was looking to stray.. great that would lost some weight so he won't".."Yeah you where fat before".. "I heard that you weren't eating anymore.. are you sick?" Some might have been said in jest, but all hurt. I have said this before, that people never comment on your weight before you lose the weight.. why do they think it is up for open conversation once you have? A simple "You look fantastic!" is a compliment and acknowledgement of efforts without it also being a slap in the face at the same time! Yesterday, I dropped off a clothing store voucher for her. She will have to replace her entire warerobe. She still has a little more to lose, but she has two pairs of pants and three tops that fit! I am very proud of her!!!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Stop, look, listen & think!!!
Friggin' funny! there are photos... will have to get off kinder camera to share! Here is the photo of my grandparents (Dick.. my Dad's dad and Old Nannie my Mum's mum) with Emilie. It was great for Dick and Nanna to catch up as well. Nanna lives in Ballarat now, dick is still in Hopetoun (just turned 90).
The girls (my fairies) and me!
food: made a beautiful pot of soup for lunch for Nanna and Mum... tea could have quite easily been take-away.. but made pasta instead!!
Exercises: No planned exercise. but still a very active day!
choices: I choose to leave the left over cake at Kindergarten yesterday (from afternoon tea) there, so not tempted to eat it!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
200th post!
Organising our holiday for next week... we are heading to Morgan in SA on the Murray river for a little holiday with friends of ours from SA... Terrific group of people (five families staying in two houses - 13 kids in total from 13 years to 4 months...) and been on the telephone organising food, keys pick up, TV's for the house to watch the AFL grand final etc.. getting very excited!
One friend, N, just lost her mother (like in the last two weeks..) so she is really looking forward to a break. She was saying for surreal the whole situation was after her mother passed. I am sure a few of you could relate to this. But she said she walked out of the hospital and there are still cars driving around, people walking past her... the world continues! She had to get fuel after leaving the hospital, and crying at the petrol station, she just couldn't believe the feeling of 'life going on'... thinking one of the biggest life moments has just happened, in losing her mother, and the world just didn't stop!
I was telling her about my old WW leader who lost her son last year (9 years old) and how she went and brought a huge block of chocolate while they removed his organs (for donation).. lining up in myers with her huge 'comfort' food... while people just continued to shop around her, oblivious to her personal situation... that her son would be gone by the time she got back to hospital.. surreal.. totally surreal..
Anyway... kicking some serious arse at the moment! the only thing that I tasted that was a little naughty was a little bit of the batter from my Orange cake (well.. I should say Kate's (private) orange cake...) Pushing myself harder at Gym.. ticking all of my little boxes!
Day 2
Food: Great (one lick of Orange cake batter the only sweet/fatty thing)
Exercise: got up at 6.15am and walked without my MP3 player , was flat, in the fuckin frost!
Choices: Organised my house so I could study without a nagging thought of the housework!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Picture of health....
- I will NOT eat after 7.30pm at night.(that is my danger time.. tired and tend to eat while not hungry)
- Drink 1.5 litres of water a day
- Make healthy food choices
- Weight bearing exercise twice a week
- Cardio 3 times a week