One of the guys that we went away with sent over a CD with some photos on it from our Morgan holiday.. here are some!
My post was just gobbled up, post! Hope I can remember what I had written!
I am feeling better, just a runny nose and cough left! I think i am lucky just to have had a cold, another round of gastro is going around again!
Anyway, I am very happy with my food choices and exercise this week, so far. I have clocked up over 15,000 steps each day, apart from Tuesday (the day i went back to bed..)
I am in love with oranges at the moment... I have always liked them, but I think I always thought that they where messy to eat!! But, I have been cutting them up in a bowl and eating them like a lady with a fork.. and I am in love with them again! I am 'almost' eating all of my food groups each day, but I seem to struggle with dairy! I am not a great fan of yogurt and I don't each cheese each day.. something that I will work on! Drinking at least 2 litres of water a day as well... nice when things become easy and not a struggle!
I also looks like we are going to be getting a Dam fill... Our domestic water is supplied by a channel filled dam, but since the stores have been so low, it looked like we weren't going to get a dam fill again. We didn't get one last year and we had to tanker in water for the house and stock! Will believe it when the channel has water in it, but it should be on it's way. It will be the last time that the channel system will run! The famous pipeline should be operational by next year.
okay, I better go and get tea organised. Chat soon...
I love oranges cut up like that with sliced avocado and bean sprouts and covered it a squeeze of lemon juice. It rocks.
Lovely to hear you so happy again - you are a groovy chick (with gorgeous chidren) and don't you forget it! Z xx
Fingers crossed you get a dam fill... I know water is like gold for you poor buggers! Meanwhile, it has finally stopped raining here... but we expect more dammit!
our dam has been dry for ages and we are on truck water too. We won't be getting a fill though because the pipeline is a reasonably close. They will give us a truck load every two months. Some people just don't understand how precious the bloody stuff is do they?
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