In recap... our holiday was brilliant!!! We went away with a heap of Jack's mates from Ag school, they are home all over SA and it was brilliant! All of the kids met for the first time (from 13 to 6 months old... 13 kids in total!) and we didn't get to bed before 2am for 5 nights in a row! Haven't laughed so hard in a lonnngg time! All being from farming land, they all needed it!
Watched the grand final.. well didn't really watch it after half time, one of the worse games I have watched all year. I loved that Geelong won (being a cats supporter) but it could have been a better game!
I got a heap of exercise while away. Morgan has lots of hills, so a little challenging at the same time! The first morning I took off on my own and started running down by the river.. but no paths so I ran through the caravan park and up on a dirt track. It was quite early (before 7am) and I had my mp3 player going in my ears. Next thing you know, friggin' 6 track motor bikes come belting past me. Scared the crap out of me, but i was walking on a motorbike track!!
Kids also had a ball making new friends! We are planning to catch up each year for a little holiday together!
Now.. my food choices could have been a little better while away and the only day that I did really let go was grand final day, but I still managed to exercise each day!
The scales did go up over a kilo, but this morning I am happy to see back to what they where before we left!
Some photos...
It was great for the guys to all get together and talk about the season and just de-stress!!! I really don't think that many people, not living in rural areas fully appreciate the situation that many farmers are in. I won't get on my soap box, but I couldn't believe that they are relenting the water restriction in Adelaide (they can now water for 3 hours on day a weekend) and yet some of the fruit growers in the Riverland have to watch their crops dry because of the water restrictions.
When we got home, Jack had a shower and went to work. I loaded the washing machine (that really hasn't stopped since) and our two main water tanks where empty. We are down to our 'reserve tank' of water for the house. Our dam wasn't filled last year and we had to cart tanker loads of water in and it looks like the same situation is going to occur this year.
Jack spent the last three days cutting our wheat crop down for hay. Usually, wheat is grown for seed and harvested, but with the season turning as pear shape has it has, Jack had to make the call to cut some of our crop down, bale it up for hay. Bless Jack's little heart, he felt sick to the stomach and was shaking when he pulled into the paddock, just couldn't believe that he was cutting down such a great looking crop. Not sure if he had made the right decision, but a couple of laps in he saw more and more white tips.. heads of the wheat plant (where the grain is) had filled 3/4 of the head and the top had died.. so it was the right decision. Jack finished late last night and now we just have to let it cure, then bale and hopefully sell directly out of the paddock.

This was taken yesterday.. jack cutting his crop. I think the reason this season is worse for a different reason than last year is because the season just looked so so promising. We spread urea and entered grain contracts. (Grain contracts is when you forward sell some of your grain from harvest, locking in good prices) But many farmers have had to "wash out" (at a cost) contracts because they aren't going to be able to supply the grain at harvest, because the season has gone to shit. I could not have imagined the season turning the way it has.
Anyway... moving on..
My Challenge.. I think I will totally forget that week and say that I am in week two still (cheeky i know.. but I make the rules...)
So.. since arriving home I have been eating well and exercising as I should. I have gone back to not eating after 7.30 at night. (hard on holidays when we don't have tea till 9pm!!)
My water has been great.. having no trouble in downing at least 2 litres a day with no challenge.
Headed into Gym yesterday and I was very pleased to see that they are going to keep on going until 30th April next year. I am also a little sore from Gym... cracked a new recorded speed for rower... yeah me!
Anyway... I have to head into playgroup this morning. We have just had a new kitchen installed. for two years I sought out funding to play for it and it is finally done!!
till later
sounds like a relaxing time away:)
Hopefully we get heaps of rain soon xxx
Firstly, I hope Jack was putting sunscreen on every two hours! The boy spent our recent holiday on the same sort of vehicle, in much the same sort of attire (as he does every holiday) and on Monday he's having a skin cancer chopped out of his arm. It's not a bad one so I am secretly glad it has happened and I hope getting it cut out doesn't tickle; with any luck it'll teach him!
Other than that, this post, as yours so often do, struck me in a number of ways. We have just been away with other couples and as most of the boys are in high-pressure jobs it was a real destress for them too. Other than me, all the girls are either pregnant or trying and so your holiday is what ours will look a bit like in a few years. It must be really cool to watch your kids make friends with your friends' kids. No doubt many will become pen pals once they're old enough.
While your and Jack's job and the boy's job are completely different, I got a giggle out of the fact that both deal in futures ;oP
I hope the study is still going gangbusters and congratulations on the new kitchen at playgroup (yet more warm fuzzy country memories), make my mine white with none!
I know what you mean about hitting the ground running. I feel like that if we have been away for the weekend and I have to work Monday. Even with our week's holiday, I still had a week at home, but I was still so busy 'catching up'. There is always so much to do. Glad you had a great time away too. Looks like you had a lot of fun.
I think it would be fun to go away with other friends. It's something I haven't done since my twenties. One of the downside to having kids when you are older, many of our friends have older kids and are already doing their own thing. It also seems hard to find couples where you both get along with the other spouse. My dh and I have a lot of friends, but they aren't couples iykwim.
I didn't know you were a Geelong supporter...........I admit the game was a little disappointed in that it wasn't a nail biter, but I think it was much better for my blood pressure lol.....
I like reading about your farm. Being a townie, it's something I have next to no knowledge of. Our water restrictions have just been lifted but Brisbane is struggling for water. We get good rains here most of the time.......poor Brisbane really suffers.
How terrible sad to have to sacrifice your crop.... and oooo a new kitchen! How lovely. I love my kitchen but would KILL for a totally new one!
So glad you had such a great time and Jack was able to de-stress a little. I can't imagine how hard it is for you guys. Is there anything us "city folk" can do to help? I think of you every time I run a bath now and Lachie always wants more water but I tell him no cos other people need it more than us. If only everyone did one little thing it would have to help. But maybe it needs to start with the damn government?
I hope you get some rain soon, but not too much.
What a really lovely holiday.
My heart sank when you said Jack was worried he'd made the wrong decision. Bloody rain.
OK! Is it just me or is my word verification bloody hilarious?
Just had to pop back in and tell you something..
When my city slicker mate's daughter was nearly two she went through a toilet flushing phase. She pretty quickly learnt that she needed to save the water "for the faaaarrrrmers". Too cute.
Im glad you had a good time away! I love the photos, your kids are just too cute! I cant imagine how much stress you (and your friends)must be under. Have you had any recent rain? I know its going to take a lot and we are praying for it for you guys, Seems so stupid that we get virtualy flooded every wet season, and they cant work out some way to get it to the people that need it?!
take care
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