Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
fattitude... do you have one?????
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Supermarket trolley whore....are you one???
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Ozzie.. Ozzie... Ozzie
What better way to start the day then with a nice long walk.... followed by cooked breakfast... lunch... then a nap...
I have to go into the Australia Day awards after tea, to take photos for the paper... a real warm fuzzy... Last time I went to take photos, the person receing the award was the CFA captain and there was a fire during the presentation... should have seen the hall empty!!
Had Weight Watchers last night and I lost 900 grams.... (Nearly all of that Christmas cheer gone..) I don't know if it is just me, and that I have been to too many meeting, But my meeting was BORING!!!!! No one excited, like sitting through a RE class at school... My Mother - in - law will be here next week and will come to my meeting wth me, perhaps that will liven things up a bit!!!
I am very pleased how I am controlling my eating etc at the moment... not setting stupid goals, everything I start can be continued... and achieved... feels right....
I am reading Craig Harper's Fattitude .... brilliant... but will say more when finished!!
Just a quick run down of some holiday photos...
This is Hugh... in the red car between the rows of my brother in laws olive plantation near Adelaide...
When is a cappuccino not a cappuccino????
AND with FULL CREAM MILK!!! No other option!!!
I live in the country.... but even we have real coffee... get with it guys!!!
THAT is the only complaint of my holiday!!! Had a great time, beach, family, A day on the green, tour of a piggery, got tattooed (2 in fact!!)... but will post more later!
About to head off to my god daughters - she turned one while away and need to get her present to her (A funky little kids Roxy Backpack...)
Good to be home...... (even if the scales are revealing just hoe naughty I have been!!)
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Home again, home again
Thursday, January 11, 2007
In the summertime...
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
8 Crownies + mud Cake = 500 grams gain!!
Jack with his 'porno' moe...
My Sister Sally, me and my brother Danny
Adrienne and me... (my neighbour and fellow WW buddy)
Lighting 'firework' for the kids...(That is what Emilie calls them...)
Presents.. lots and lots and lots.. Monica, a childhood friend, gave me perfume (hugo boss.. Devine!!) BUT the reason behind the perfume was even nicer... Monica is 11 months younger then me and we did literally grow up together.. she lived 5 houses down the road. We have never had a cross word to each other... and I think the reason why is we are so different! Anyway, back to the perfume.. as kids we did lots and lots of silly things... kids things.. and one of those things was to pinch every ones rose petals and mix them with water, put it into an old soft drink bottle and walk up and down the street and sell it! We did sell one bottle!!
Monica and Me
Had the BEST night... From Jack I am getting a tattoo... I have been searching the net trying to find a design that I am really happy with and have found several.. but now I want two... I want one on my foot of a little black butterfly and a scroll design on my lower back.... we are heading to Adelaide next week, so I better book in somewhere... any recommendations in Adelaide??? I have one on my hip and have always wanted another...
TODAY.. I am back to tracking... Not that I ate that badly, and everyone knows me well enough no to give me chocolates for a birthday present! But this is it.. I am going to be a fit and healthily 30 year old...
We are heading to Horsham later this morning. I had a little accident just prior to christmas with my car and need to get my car in to get it fixed, so it is getting fixed while Jack is on holidays and we have a second car here that will fit the kids and I am going to spend my birthday vouchers and money... exciting....
Thank you all for your birthday wishes... I have truely had the best birthday!!!!!!
Monday, January 08, 2007
30 isn't THAT old...
The Family.. I had TWO costumes to wear and my Sister gave me this dress for my birthday.. I feel in love with it months ago.. It is a FCUK (French Connection) dress that I saw in a magazine!! LOVE IT.. sort of looks mexican...
My sister and her boyfriend catered for us and blew us away with the result!!
More later!!
Friday, January 05, 2007
Clean House.. Check
Mow Lawns (well... what is left of the,).. Check
Birthday Cake ordered.. Check
Fridge is full of food that can't be eaten...Check
Costumes... Check
This is my last post as a 20's chick... Bring on 30!! I am ready to be thirty... no crisis here that is for sure. I feel that I should be turning 35 or 38 or something. I have crammed so much into those years, it is time my age caught up to me a little!
Can't believe how organised I am.. All that is left is to clean all of the windows today... then done!
My sister is coming home from Melbourne to day with the fruit and Veg (Melbourne Market) and all of the decorations. ...
My sister is the best cook... I steal all of her great recipe and pretend they are my own when I dish them up to others... She is the head chef for my Mexican Fiesta. Last count we had 65 people coming (including kids) Can't wait ... it is going to be cool!!
Will post with photos as soon as I can..
Other Weight related stuff.. weighed in last night and lost 100 grams... cool... But they have changed the program.. AGAIN!!! I love new book for WW... cookbooks or otherwise, so I think this is cool. But I think they will confuse a few people to start with!
The basic changes : (From Memory for those interested)
- Your 8 glasses of water a day can now include up to 4 glasses of Non or decaffeinated diet drinks (Including decaffeinated tea & Coffee)
- You don't count sugar points anymore.. you still count them in your daily total, but no separate count
- You have to try and include two teaspoons of runny oil (olive etc) into your diet. Apparently WW members have shown to have a deficiency in Vit E,,, and have been starving their little brains..
- No Count is now "Core Plan" and the Carb structure has changed.. If can only have one sort of carb once a day.. Example... if you have noodles for lunch, can't have them for tea (Including potatoes)
- With the Core plan you can now snack on Fruit, Veg, Diet Yogurt, soup and air popped pop corn
- Some Vegetable now have a points value...(haven't found which ones yet)
I think that is it... in a nutshell... cool hey. I brought a new points guide, the new "Turnaround" cookbook etc in that value package they have. Haven't had a chance to really have a look, but all looks cool!
OK... sun is out now, I can walk!