What better way to start the day then with a nice long walk.... followed by cooked breakfast... lunch... then a nap...
I have to go into the Australia Day awards after tea, to take photos for the paper... a real warm fuzzy... Last time I went to take photos, the person receing the award was the CFA captain and there was a fire during the presentation... should have seen the hall empty!!
Had Weight Watchers last night and I lost 900 grams.... (Nearly all of that Christmas cheer gone..) I don't know if it is just me, and that I have been to too many meeting, But my meeting was BORING!!!!! No one excited, like sitting through a RE class at school... My Mother - in - law will be here next week and will come to my meeting wth me, perhaps that will liven things up a bit!!!
I am very pleased how I am controlling my eating etc at the moment... not setting stupid goals, everything I start can be continued... and achieved... feels right....
I am reading Craig Harper's Fattitude .... brilliant... but will say more when finished!!
Just a quick run down of some holiday photos...
This is Hugh... in the red car between the rows of my brother in laws olive plantation near Adelaide...
As mentioned in the previous post, I did also get two new tattoos... I wanted to post a photo of them, but anyone who has had a tattoo done would know how yuck they get!! They aren't pretty at the moment... so will post when they recover a little more!!!
Will post more soon.. trying so many new receipes ATM... like one a day!!!
OK.. better go can hear the baby up...
Yaaa to losing the xmas cheer, I also working on that?
Yes, its a great book. I reckon everyone should read it. Your holiday pics are great, looks like you had a lovely break, A day on the Green looked awesome too. Congrats on the loss, go you.
Haha I love the little red car!
My father shared a room at boarding school in Adelaide with Paul Kelly. I would love to go to a day like that!
Tats? Oh my god, you are such a bad ass. Im impressed! I'd love to see pics when they're prettier!
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