Damage control here.... Just jumped on the scales at it shows 500 gram gain.. SO FAR!!!! Beer, wine... makes me put weight on VERY quickly... hence why I am not a everyday drinker... Back to tracking for me... well until we go to Robe at the weekend!
Jack with his 'porno' moe...
The house is almost back in order.. just another few loads of washing to get though this morning. The last visitor left yesterday at lunch time.. then I had some 'quite-time' when the kids went back to bed before a quick trip into the dentist! Little Laura copped a swing in the mouth on Saturday night... it was so gross!!! You could see the cartilage in her jaw (like while under the gum...) but the dentist thinks that it is only soft tissue damage. She has had trouble eating harder foods, but she is on the mend!
Jack Parents flew over on Saturday morning from Renmark.. (they have their own plane) and flew back yesterday morning. They where quite keen to get home. A cyclone hit the south side on Renmark on Saturday afternoon. Their properties where Ok, but my father-in-law is a local government councillor and he wanted to get home. Jack's sister also made the trip down from NSW, which was great! My brother and sister both came home from Melbourne, haven't seen my brother is almost a year!!!!
My Sister Sally, me and my brother Danny
We had the entire back yard decorated with streamers etc and at 6pm (30 min before the party started) and HUGE Storm hit and wet EVERYTHING!!!!! I stood inside watching Jack madly trying to empty one of out machinery sheds.. it just finished and the rain stopped!! A few towels to mop everything up and it was a beautiful night!
Adrienne and me... (my neighbour and fellow WW buddy)
Lighting 'firework' for the kids...(That is what Emilie calls them...)
Presents.. lots and lots and lots.. Monica, a childhood friend, gave me perfume (hugo boss.. Devine!!) BUT the reason behind the perfume was even nicer... Monica is 11 months younger then me and we did literally grow up together.. she lived 5 houses down the road. We have never had a cross word to each other... and I think the reason why is we are so different! Anyway, back to the perfume.. as kids we did lots and lots of silly things... kids things.. and one of those things was to pinch every ones rose petals and mix them with water, put it into an old soft drink bottle and walk up and down the street and sell it! We did sell one bottle!!
Monica and Me
Had the BEST night... From Jack I am getting a tattoo... I have been searching the net trying to find a design that I am really happy with and have found several.. but now I want two... I want one on my foot of a little black butterfly and a scroll design on my lower back.... we are heading to Adelaide next week, so I better book in somewhere... any recommendations in Adelaide??? I have one on my hip and have always wanted another...
TODAY.. I am back to tracking... Not that I ate that badly, and everyone knows me well enough no to give me chocolates for a birthday present! But this is it.. I am going to be a fit and healthily 30 year old...
We are heading to Horsham later this morning. I had a little accident just prior to christmas with my car and need to get my car in to get it fixed, so it is getting fixed while Jack is on holidays and we have a second car here that will fit the kids and I am going to spend my birthday vouchers and money... exciting....
Jack starts holidays tomorrow and we are painting the barge boards on the house green.. they are still mission brown. Then on Friday we are heading to Robe, SA, for the weekend. Back Sunday night and heading to Adelaide on Tuesday, Paringa on Friday to drop of the kids and back to Clare on Saturday for a Day on the Green... Home on Monday... Busy times!!
Thank you all for your birthday wishes... I have truely had the best birthday!!!!!!
Wow, sounds like you did have a FABULOUS birthday... Have a wonderful holiday. I heard about the storms that hit Renmark, we know quite a few people from there. Lots of people lost their crops :(
Tattoooooooo, you go girl! I hear that place on Jetty road in Glenelg is great. Ive had a few friends in Broken Hill who got their tats from there.
Now, some tidbits, - Your siblings are just as cute as you! Laura, oh gosh, Im glad it was only soft tissue poor little sausage. Jack's porno moe is the shot! Perhaps he can participate in Mo-Vember next year?
Once again, that dress is seriously killer honey!!
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