Saturday, January 27, 2007

Supermarket trolley whore....are you one???

I must confess....
I look into other peoples supermarket trolleys....
While they are in the checkout, I just glance or the odd side glance while walking though...
fess up... I am sure most of you do it!!
He he he .... evil.... aren't we.... or just nosey!!
Why do I do it??? One reason... I am always looking for new products!!!
I love a new cleaning product or tooth paste, and often, when I shop I have three little kids. No time just to slowly browse. I just get the items I normally do... so I find myself 'browsing' other people trolleys.. he he he.. evil isn't it...
But then... I look at fat people's (sorry... but no need to beat around the bush.. I was one of them) trolley and think to myself.. no fuckin' wonder... Why on earth do you need those chips, full-sugar soft drink and frozen chips... often not one item from the fruit and veg section...
That is another thing that I can't understand.. why does ANYONE drink soft drink that isn't diet?? Quite a few of my friends drink the full-sugar variety and it gets me beat why??? they tell me because of the taste, but I can't tell the difference!!
Anyway..... back to my trolleys...
Today... in the supermarket quickly.. had to be quick, three kids... at the checkout there was a 'feral' family in front of me going though the checkout and her 10 or 11 year old daughter walks up to the checkout and places about 12 different chocolate bars on the belt.. kit kats, mars bars, picnics.. you name it, it was there... and not those little 'fun' sized babies... full sized bars!!
The mother, while placing a 2 x 25 kg bags of black and gold dog food on the checkout tells the daughter "You don't fuckin' need all of those"
Daughter "Yeah i do.. back to school this week and I need 'em for lunch..:
Mother ponders the daughters response for a brief moment and replies.. " well you don't need all of 'em" .....and then began the debate of how many of these fat and sugar laden chocolates where needed...
The daughter won and I can't help but wonder if that will be ALL she will be taking to school for lunch.. along with a can of coke!!!
The schools in our town do have a 'good food' policy and you can't buy crap at the schools.. that is great, but if the parents just send them anymore, where is the lesson in that. That poor girl, while now is thin, WILL end up with a weight problem.... if that is the example her family lead with.
Sure, I give my kids treats.. but they are just that!! Treats.. not an 'everyday' food!! It isn't hard people....


Anonymous said...

hey there, my name is Larissa and I just found your site through Kates. My goodness I can relate to your trolley spying! i WORK in a major supermarket so i am always checking out what people are buying. It always gets to me when people with thier kids (from toddlers to teenagers) come through and they buy nothing but JUNK. If they are buying nothing but chips, lollies, soft drink etc I usually try and suss out if its a special occasion or what but the amount of times the answer has been "NO, this is our normal shopping" has astounded me! any wonder we are a nation thats reached epedemic proportions of obese kids... I'm in the process of trying to shed the fat I gained from being an under-active, over-eating child (with parents who didnt always help me make the best food choices) and its a challenge I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, let alone my own children! Tahnks for listening to my little rant :o) Cheers, from Larissa

Chris H said...

Honest to God, I don't look at other people's trolleys!!! I am too darn busy getting my two trolleys full... yep, Stew and I fill up two darn trolleys! Did our grocery shopping today and spent $711 on good honest food! NOt a piece of chocolate to be seen. Our kids get treats once in a blue moon, and never for school lunch... they get the good old fashioned sandwich, fruit and cereal bar... and water. I don't give a hoot what other people are buying, but when I do notice a trolley full of crap food I do tend to look at the owner of that trolley and suss out if they are fat or not, and usually they are FAT ! hmmmm stands to reason eh!

Leighanne said...

Me too...I love to see what others are buying...such a

In our school they are trying to teach the kids healthy eating...if my kids take a treat, they come home saying the teacher says its party food and not healthy:)

Anonymous said...

I worked as a checkout chick at Woolworths for 3 years and I loved checking out what other people bought. Now though I dont pay too much attention to other people's trolleys. If I do notice, it's normally because they are so healthy.

jodie said...

Fessing up - yes I am a Supermarket Trolley Whore. It astounds me the crap people buy. Then they are the first to ask, so how do you stay so slim blah blah, while they are shoving chips in their mouth.

Good post, sad about that girl though, that's almost child abuse in my books.

Unknown said...

Hey there,

Great post.. I don't like diet drinks (not that I drink full sugar ones either.. just soda water)- not for the taste, but because the chemicals in artificially sweetened drinks are sooo scary..


The Candid Bandit said...

I agree with Ash, the diet drinks have been linked to major health problems. I try to steer clear and have them only occassionally.

Isnt it funny, I feel like a fraud when I get to the checkout with fresh fruits and veg and low fat this and that. I feel like the checkout chick looks at it like "Well it aint workin' lady"

Weird eh?