Thursday, February 02, 2006

Strange few days....

Hi there all...
Hope that everyone is back into the swing of things again. With school and kinder back for some. It gets everything back into routine.... well sort of.

Just had weigh in and I am pleased to report another loss of 1.5kg so down to 65.5kg!!!... had a great week food wise, but little to no exercise and some days my water intake could have been more. I can't seem to get it all together at the same time...

Strange few days... on more then one occasion, I could have easily had a little binge on lollies... only gave in once!! Long story about to unfold....

I had invited two couples here for tea on Saturday night.. one couple couldn't make it and I still left my offer open to the other couple. I worked on Saturday arvo (Taking photos for our local paper) and while I was gone Jack said that they had rung and said that they where to buggered to come over and that they where going to have a quite night at home.... no problem there at all! I hadn't organised anything at that stage (about 4pm) so it really was no big deal them pulling out...

Tuesday morning and I was helping out the couple's brother & sister-inlaw on their farm, and one of the couple was there. Something was said about Saturday night between the brothers and the sister-in-law changed the subject very quickly... nothing more said. But later that day I was to find out that the couple that had said that they where to buggered to come to our house actually had other plans to go out with the others.... this doesn't worry me that they went out but what pissed me off was that they had lied to us about what they where doing. If they had of said that they had a better offer.. I wouldn't have given a rats arse about it.. but I really hate being deceived. So... after I rang husband in tears.. he suggest that I ring them.. which I did.. which came with an excuse of a last minute change of plans... lame. But I have let it go... they know what I think about it all..
Jack is good about things like that... always a little more rational then me - I guess he is male and hasn't got that bitch gene!
So.. happy with WW this week... I think that the points program works better for me. I am starting to get comments like "i hope you aren't going to lose more..." or the other end of the scale "Still got a little more to lose.." people are funny about their approach to weight loss. The fact that they have noticed in just good in my books... Two people that asked me this week about how I lost my weight where there signing up tonight... that is the biggest buzz of all... I think a lot of people have noticed my weight loss because I have never been one to hide my weight... I never wore big shirts or baggy pants... if it was there you saw each and every bump and lump! (Gross, I know...) and now I still dress the same style... but just smaller sizes. I brought a pair of size 10 pants this week (Target... bargin of the year!!) And I think the other reason is that I really have lost the weight quickly... I only joined WW in September 05 and at WW Goal in December.... I love that I have motivated other people to make a lifestyle change...
Ok then, on that note, hope that you all have a fantastic weekend and I recommend a great chicks DVD for weekend viewing - Bride & Prejudice... Bollywood version (Indian) of Jane Austins Pride & Prejudice... very funny and will make you want to visit India... not really one for the Hubby's... send them out gardening!


Anonymous said...

Huge congrat's on the loss!

It's funny how guys don't have the bitchy gene huh?! Sometimes it makes me feel like more of a bitch, because the boy just shrugs things off. I am pleased you hadn't planned anything for Saturday night, that would have been even more annoying!!

Yay for size 10 pants!!

jodie said...

Wow on the loss, that's unreal! Crap about your friends, but don't let them get you down. Good for you, choosing to stay strong and not succumb to the lollies. Makes it all worthwhile when you see that loss!!

CaramelKitKat said...

Well done with that loss - brilliant!! - esp at this end of proceedings.

So the two couples you invited already had plans together? I would have been pissed at the deception too! It's great that you called them so you could actively get over it, and for the fibbers to know that they were caught out, thus lessening the amount of lollies required.

Weight Watchers really should offer gifts to people who illicit the signing up of others. Sure, it's their (increasingly expensive) program, but you are the one who lost the weight, eventually becoming walking, talking, FREE advertising. I would rather hear it from a real person over Fergie, and they're paying her squillions! Still, it's great to be able to share you "secrets" with others and their renewed hope must be a fantastic reward in itself.

Leighanne said...

Congrats on the loss, you are doing brilliantly!!
I would be peeved at the two couples too! Hubby would have shrugged it off

Margaret said...

Whooo Hoooo on your loss. That is fantastic :D