Wednesday, December 07, 2005

One tube gone....

Yeah... they had to take out one of my fallopian tubes... There was a little embryo behind the scarring from the last tube tieing efforts and they had to remove it yesterday.... so I am very stiff and sore... but it is all over for now...

I hate waking from a GA - I just know that there is going to pain - and perhaps a little vomit and feeling so groggy for hours - then a 2.5 hour trip home.... But yesterday wasn't as bad as last time.... I asked for no morph. this time as it made me vomit in Feb.. so I felt better for that. Still a little vague now... but another nights sleep will see to that. Just a little shoulder tip pain - they pump air into you tummy and this for some reason, causing pain in your shoulders...

Anyway.. not really making much sense.. will sign off and go and get some rest... just letting you know that I am OK. Thankyou all of your comments and I will look in on you all over the next few days....

Love to all


Margaret said...

I am so glad that this time seems to have gone much better in terms of recovery. Sleep and rest well. Looking forward to more posts later :D


Baby Bump Wanted said...

im glad the op went well, hope your feeling ok, rest and relax and get better. With my weight loss, i didnt do to much different, but it is a loss over 2 weeks.