We have a new nephew... Little Thomas has arrived. ..Jack's sister, Tess (some who might remember went into labout about a month ago and it stopped again...) Only 49cm long and weighing 8 pounds, I am guessing he will make a nice rugby player!! Can't wait to meet the little man!!
Have been back to the gym twice since last posted. I do enjoy it and i think that it fantastic that there are so many people using it, but, I feel like the programme isn't hard enough.... not sure what to think. When I walk out, I feel the same as when I walked in. I want to feel a little buggered, like I have had a workout.. Any suggestions, or am I not used to it????? I guess if it toned up my body a little, who is to complain...
As mentioned in my last post, the kids and I had a tour of the public school here in town. For years, we have been leaning towards sending the kids to the private shcool, but after my visit I am on the fence!! I was totally blown away with the resources the public school has!!! The private school (that is catholic) has about 60 kids there and the public has 230 or so. My main concern with the private school is that they have combined classes (prep & 1, 2 & 3 and a 4, 5 & 6) The fact that they are combined doesn't concern me, but with my kids being so close together, they would be sharing classrooms and in the 4 - 5 - 6 year they would all be in the same class... anyway, I don't need to make a decision yet and I want Jack to check out both of the schools.
Jack will be working sowing our wheat all weekend. More rain is forecast for next week and would be nice to get it in before then. Hugh is on the tractor with our neighbour at the moment.
Had a huge meat buy up this morning, all in the freezer now, but have enough for about 25 meals.. Okay.. better go
It's so hard making these decisions, trust me, I have made a number of them. Go with your gut on it. I put my kids in a well to do school in a higher socio-economic suburb, thinking that they would thrive and get a better education. What I found was the school was no better education wise than any others but the constant peer pressure that came from the other well to do students was enormous. And I found the school demanded the kids bring money, costumes, whatever they needed at sometimes only a days notice. We just didn't have the money to be able to service the constant demands. This first half of the year my kids have been in a smaller country school. Their resources are still the same but the kids are much happier because their peers are in the same boat as them. Not every kid is wearing the newest and best of everything and the other parents aren't judging me all the time or talking about their new Audi's or Beamers. They are doing way better academically than they were at the other school and the teacher's praise all their good points. My gut had told me this but I decided against it at the start and wish I had listened to my inner self. You will know which decision to make, put it out there.
In regard to the gym, you should walk out with a spring in your step. The only time maybe you should feel 'buggered' is after you have done the cardio part of your workout. The rest of it should be hard, but not too hard. If you are finding it too easy, increase the intensity of your cardio, (it's hard when I don't know exactly what you are doing). If you are using the treadmill, increase the speed or the incline. If it's the rower, increase your resistance, and if you are using the bike, increase the resistance too. You can include interval training which works really well. On the treadmill for example I like to do a brisk walk and then a jog for about 2-3 mins each. Great for keeping your heart rate up, and the 'rest' periods give you a little time to recover. With the weights, increase the weight if it's too easy. You should have trouble finishing the last couple of each set. If it's too easy, then you aren't really achieving much.
Glad that you are enjoying it. You will start to notice a difference in muscle tone very quickly - especially if you have weight trained before.
Hey Kirsty
You should notice a difference after being to the gym. If you are lifting weights (which I recommend!) you should be lifting with intensity. You should find the last few reps hard to complete. For your muscles to change they need to be pushed. If you are training hard enough you should notice some DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) either the next day or day after, but not so sore you can't walk. Don't be scared to lift heavy, many women are but its only way your body will change and get that definition happening.
Cardio should be a mixture of high intensity and moderate intensity. Over different amounts of time, ie some short/high intensity or longer/medium intensity. Mix it up to keep your body guessing. And you should feel like you have got a good sweat up.
Refer back to your Fattitude book by Craig Harper for reference cause I think he explains this well.
Congrats on the new nephew, that is wonderful news. I love Thomas as a name.
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