My freezer is over flowing with meat, but running out of basic staples... I really don't think a chickpea and icing sugar dish would appeal to anyones hunger!!
I was chatting to a friend the other day about how I need to bake, fill the lard (as my grandmother would have said). I usually have at least a cake, slice or sorts here for the kids and Jack. My friend start to explain that "god, your good.... my baking consists on buying the 'fresh baked' biscuits at safeway... you can't tell me that you can bake 12 biscuits cheaper then $4.00???"..
Well.. i could... but that isn't the point.
Either you are into cooking or you are not. Eventually, she agreed that she is terrible in the kitchen, and doesn't even have FLOUR in her pantry!!! I started to wonder what in hell they ate, but my memory opened up and started to think about what I used to eat... kantong, frozen fish, meat and veg, kantong, stir-fry that just had to be heated up - vegies already in there, frozen chips, take away, kantong, sausages, kantong... not a huge variety that didn't need a heap of preparation.
Just ask Jack, I was very BAD in the kitchen. I tried to make soup twice in about 5 years. Both time resulted in a saucepan being burnt beyond the point of no return. Now, it is a twice weekly event. It is a wonder in the early years of our marriage, I didn't give Jack food poisoning. I even had one of Jack clients show me how to make mash potatoes, how embarrassing. But he walked into our kitchen once when some had boiled dry and the smoke had just begun to billow from the room.
It didn't even really improve once I left work to have Emilie.. still LOTS of Kantong, the Laura came, then Hugh and after the little man arrived I am guessing that my weight was over 90kg.
My turning point was joining Weight watchers... I did enjoy cooking before then, but once I UNDERSTOOD food, I enjoyed preparing food more. I loved being able to say that I cook healthily, well balanced meals, with the kids not missing out on nice home made snacks.
EDUCATION is the one and only key to long term health. I don't know if the timing was perfect, but once I embarked on losing weight, I sucked in as much information as I could. I can even remember being cross there for a while... "Why didn't anyone tell me all of this before.. surely there was room in my secondary school education for it". There was and I did study "health" . But I didn't have a weight problem at High school.. didn't sink in. Timing mustn't have been right. I would like to think that my habits will be natural for my kids. My chocolate on weekend rule and each time the kids pick a piece of fruit out of the fruit bowl they get a response of "Great choice"... in instilled in them. Time will tell..
I really don't think Jack misses Kantong...
Just a quick hi to Mummy-licious, many of you will know her, just a great new uplifting blog as she strives to become a Yummy Mummy... I know where she is, as many of you will also be able to relate on getting that pre-baby bod back... Please go and encourage her. Thank Kit for the shout out on your blog... still makes me smile when I see a link on someone elses posts!!
Just also a Gym Update - Can't believe how much I love it. I get there with all of the Granny's mid morning and have a great chat and work out at the same time. I am sure they have enough numbers to keep going. Thank you to Jodie and Jenny for thier advise. I feel better with the program as well, now I understand how I should feel after a workout... thanks girls..
I'm a firm believer in teaching your kids to cook and clean.
I love baking and cooking and some of the yummiest meals are the healthiest ones. My family loves steamed chicken breasts with brown rice, broccolli and carrots. We also love salmon, baked potato and rocket with tomatoes and avocado. My sister and her husband are both slim yet they never have homebaking in the house and she only ever makes packet cheese sauce, packet gravy, packet stirfrys.
I love the joy of serving up something I have made from scratch.
Good on you for doing this post.
i love cooking from scrath too but I hate housework. it's only an hours drive to my place, see you tomorrow.
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