Tuesday, May 15, 2007


I am a BIG believer in Karma.... You get what you put out there
You put out good.... you get good in return
You put out bad.... watch you back....
So.... just a message to the thief that has taken 20 tonnes of fertiliser out of one of Jack's clients silos... I hope your crop gets hit by a cyclone...


Jenny Schimak said...

Oh no, how low can you get? Sorry to hear that Yummy Mummy. Was the stuff insured? Can you insure things like that? Surely in a small farming community, you may have some luck at finding it - or is that not possible.......

I too believe that what goes around comes around......

Jules said...

How do you slyly steal 20 tonne of fertiliser?? Surely someone (maybe a sheep) saw something.
You know what, he or she will get what is coming because what goes around comes around. Obviously thieves aren't big on watching "My Name is Earl"

Cinders said...

That's terrible :( I wouldn't have thought such things go on in such tight communities.

Little Fat Duck said...

bloody hell, How do you pinch 20tonnes of anything?? And doesnt fertiliser smell... or is that blood and bone? I only just found out blood and bone actually IS blood and bone..... bloody hell, anyway, have a good day! praying for rain for you all

Briony said...

OMG that is awful. What the hell must they have been thinking? Idiots. Karma will come back on them three fold, it always does.
Hope your week gets better.

Chris H said...

I totally belive what goes around comes around mate.... they will get there just dessert eventually.