Friday, September 07, 2007

Flash back Friday....

Thanks beck for the idea...!!! Here is my little flash back to 1993-1995!! I am a great photo taker.. there isn't much in my life that has been missed by a photo! But... when you take the photos, you are hardly in any of them!!! So it was a little hard to find many photos of me!

Mar 1993 - year 11 at School! can you see what I am holding in my hand??? A case.. a trumpet case... (and no.. I never went to band camp!)

the Deck - again 1993.. I was only having the discussion about where you sat at school with a friend that went to school in Melbourne. At our school, the Deck was as good as you could get in somewhere to sit. Usually the year twelve kids sat there and no one even tried to sit on someone Else's 'spot'... unwritten rules of high school. My friend said the same happened at her school. The year 12's must have been away the day this photo was taken as we wouldn't day sit there if they where around! (I am guessing that I was about 70 KG in this photo.. i still have my uniform and it is too big!)
My friend S and I BEFORE we got our first Tattoo's.. just 18. Don't ya love those fuckin' tencel jeans (can you remember them...) and those ray bans... I thought I was cool!
My sister Sally and I at an air show, Sally is 4 years younger then me... she was always the thin one! Now.. we are about the same! (she just has bigger boobs!) nice frogskin OAKLEY's Sal...
About the one and only time I have worked in a shearing shed.. other then smoko and lunch that is! Fuck knows where in hell I got the flannie from???

So there is a little inside into my past years.. more next friday!!!


Chris H said...

Ha ha, I too have worked in a shearing shed... ONCE only, never again! That sheep hair irritates the shit outta me nipples! lol

Cinders said...

I love these photos - Hasn't everybody got a flannie hidden somewhere? Not me of course.

Apple2Hourglass said...

Great photos!! Hope you're having a fabulous weekend. The weather here is brilliant.

cranky said...

Two of Dad's old flannies are in the top of my cupboard! And I was in the school band too - I played a bass clarinet for years.

I can't believe you are 2 years younger than me but already have the kids situation sorted! WHAA! I'm scared now!

CaramelKitKat said...

Tencel jeans, yes! I LOVED mine! What would Trinny and Susannah have made of those??! Btw, I have ordered their new book and am itching for it to arrive. It shows different body types and features and what works for them etc.

I still get a giggle out of the idea that you named your sister after a cow - and that your parents were fine with it LOL!

Jules said...

Tencel jeans, he fucken larious!

It's the whole shirt tucked in and pulled out a wee bit that cracks me up.

As for the school uniform, I have one nearly exactly the same. I was about 60kg in 1992 in nearly an identical uniform. Funny!!

As for the MIL, wish I had that excuse. If mine was coming it would be funny cos she would be biking.

Pip said...

Tencel Jeans, - I sure remember those 'oh so cool' jeans! Oh, I got a tencel Jacket too once from EziBuy!

How about long permed hair with the front fringe bit in a 'puff' and the puff was always dead neat and sprayed well with hairspray. Maybe that was a kiwi thing!

It took me about half an hour in the morning to do my hair at high school, - but I always wrecked it at PE!


The Candid Bandit said...

Tencel! HA

Oakley Frogskins! HA!

Scrunching your white socks so they were 'just right' HA!

I Love it!

Remember it's flashback friday again tomorrow ;)