Friday, September 19, 2008

nearly holiday time..

.... after this last week... I am ready for school and kinder to end for a few weeks..

... Emilie has been sick (my kids hardly ever get sick and I am not a nurse so it is just as well) But she has had to solider on. The primary schools in town (Primary, St Mary's and the SDS) have been working for months for the festival of healthy living with street parades and two performances of the most amazing show at the town hall. It was all focused on feeling, mental health, acceptance, responsibility.. FABULOUS.

We are just so lucky that Warracknabeal was chosen. There has been artist coming into the schools for months to work on songs, music and puppets. I have some photos on facebook. (Ask to be a friend if you aren't already)

Anyway.. back to my sick daughter.. I have been running in and out of town taking her to rehearsals and back home again, then drugging her for performances and letting her sleep till 10am in the morning. She is finally getting better and has gone to school for the last day of term.

Camping.. we are going camping for the night tomorrow night. the kids are pumped, there mother is nearly there. The swag is near the office door ready for packing but I must be getting a Little soft in my old age and I am sort of not looking forward to a night on a 2 inch high mattress. We are going to these sand dunes things with about 25 other people motorbike riding. I rang the local (bush) hospital to see if there was a doctor on call.. there isn't, but at least they are aware that there is going to be there if something does happen.

Then we are home for a few days before we head west.. we are going to Lock in SA. Any SA reader who know where Lock is would be wondering why would we be going to the middle of no where.. well we have great friends there and are travelling with another family over. Spending a night in Port Pirie, a few days with them in Lock, check out Port Lincoln then head to Jack's folks for a little while in the Riverland. Jack's sister who also lives in the Riverland is in Zimbabwe at the moment, so no little cousins to play with but will be a great unwind time!

I have also been thinking about by new goal to work towards... will share soon..

Better go and do some house work


Cinders said...

Poor Em - there's been so much going around. The photos are great.

Marie said...
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Marie said...

I added you on faceboook :)

Jenny Schimak said...

My interest is piqued - would love to know what your new goal is going to be.

Thanks for dropping in on my blog the other day. I am hoping to sell my 300D, but am a little unsure how to go about it as my flash won't pop up itself. It's like the little spring doesn't work anymore. I need to have a quote to see about getting it fixed. It still takes great photos - a 1000 times better than my point and shoot.

I hear what you say about camping. I am into 'unit' camping as I call it now. I like my comforts. Heck it's enough being away from my bed, and my computer :)

Hope your time away was enjoyable. We are heading into two weeks of being on school holidays which will be fantastic.

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Ohh a trip that involved motorcycles sounds good to me.. haha
I need a holiday baaaad.... Kids just went back to school yesterday after two weeks school holidays... I had to work...
Maybe time off a christmas!